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This was realpolitik. The kings were going to have mistresses, whatever the Church said. And remember that the kings generally knew that the popes and cardinals had their own mistresses, so there was a mutual interest in not making either matter more widely known.

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church has never issued a document or ruling saying that it was okay to have a mistress - official or otherwise; so it would be ludicrous to say that the Church ever accepted such a thing. There have been a few Popes who led, shall we say, a less than holy life; in one or two instances you could say that they led a flagrantly immoral life. As far as the politics of a nation and its King are concerned, the Church is there to deal with individuals, and it does so in the confessional. This would be a matter of the confessional, so we would have no way of knowing what the king confessed, and what his confessor may have answered.
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Q: Why did the Catholic Church accept married kings even having official mistresses?
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