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Q: Why did the Europeans want to explore new sea routes and how you think this early exploration has influenced the world you live in today?
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Why the Europeans and not the Asians set out to explore the new sea routes?

The history that most Europeans have of early Asian exploration is extremely limited. There is strong evidence that they did as much (and possibly more) exploration as Europeans have done over the same period of time. The sea routes though for Europeans would be different then we would expect most Asian groups to have done.

To which continents did europeans seek new trade routes in the 1400s?


Why were Europeans eager to explore?

People, such as the Norsemen, were looking for places to inhabit. Adventurers such as Marco Polo, explored for commercial purposes; to see what goods may be traded. Of course, the Europeans who came to the Americas were looking for more efficient routes to the east for trade, but in order to finance their trips, they were also looking for gold and riches.

What are the pros and cons of exploration?

During the Age of Exploration mapmakers used cartography to map the world. They found new trade routes to Asia, which helped trade to flourish. The Age of Exploration vastly increased Europeans' knowledge of the world. They established new trade routes between India and Portugal, which helped these two countries to become wealthier. The Age of Exploration helped Spain to rapidly expand foreign trade, which helped these countries to flourish. The voyages of Columbus and Magellan showed that it was possible to sail around the world. During the Age of Exploration navigational sciences improved, so navigating was made easier. The explorer Hudson landed in Canada and found rich sources of fish and furs, which helped England become wealthy.

3 factors that led European nations to voyages of exploration?

The reasons were, the search for food led human beings to explore. As societies became more sophisticated, expeditions were still launched in search of food, but also trade markets and routes, territories to colonize and sources of income.

Related questions

Why the Europeans and not the Asians set out to explore the new sea routes?

The history that most Europeans have of early Asian exploration is extremely limited. There is strong evidence that they did as much (and possibly more) exploration as Europeans have done over the same period of time. The sea routes though for Europeans would be different then we would expect most Asian groups to have done.

Why did Europeans first embark on exploration to the East?

Europeans first embark on exploration to the East as they looked for trade routes

Why did Europeans begin to explore new sea routes to Asia?

To find a route to Asia.

What event forced the europeans to sail across the Atlantic Ocean?

Europeans were forced to explore when the Turks blocked the caravan routes to the Far East and the Spice Islands

What reason Europeans wanted to explore the unknown?

One of the main reasons Europeans wanted to explore the unknown was the desire for wealth and resources. They were in search of new trade routes to Asia and the valuable goods that could be obtained there. Additionally, there was a strong motivation to spread Christianity and convert indigenous populations to the faith. Scientific curiosity and a thirst for knowledge also played a role in driving European exploration.

How did the ottoman capture of Constantinople motive the age of exploration?

It prevented Europeans from accessing land-based trade routes to Asian markets.

How did ottoman capture of Constantinople motivate the age of exploration?

It prevented Europeans from accessing land-based trade routes to Asian markets.

How did the spread of Islam factor into the Age of Exploration?

The primary reason that Age of Exploration came into existence was that European Christians wanted to find a direct route to East Asia without involving the expansive Islamic Empire, primarily because they saw Muslims as Devil-worshippers/Infidels and did not want to do business with them. (Of course, we know that this is untrue today, but Europeans were unaware at the time.) So, the Spread of Islam was the encumbrance that compelled the Europeans to explore new routes around Africa and over the oceans to get to East Asia.

How did the restrictions in the far east help initiate the great age of exploration?

It forced Europeans to find alternate routes to trade with countries to east to surpass the rstrictions of the far east.

Provided exploration routes to Mexico and other parts of America?

Provided exploration routes to México and other parts of america

Why did the Europeans think it was necessary to find new trade routes and resources?

to more stuff for the europeans

When did the Silk Road close?

The Silk Road stopped serving as a shipping route for silk about 1453, forcing Europeans to seek alternate trade routes and triggering the age of exploration (and ultimately the discovery of the New World).