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Because the Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend. Anything they could do to bring injury, inconvenience or discomfort to the United Kingdom was something that France was in favor of.

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Q: Why did the French want to become involved in the American Revolution?
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What war did France become involved in during 1700s?

French Revolution and American Revolution

What battle did the French become involved in the American Revolution?

France became allied with the future United States after the Battle of Saratoga.

How did Americans react to the french revolution?

After hearing about the French Revolution, Americans began to celebrate and become extremely enthusiastic. They thought that they had inspired the French to go through with the French Revolution after they gained their independence from Britain.

When did the Louvre become the property of the state?

During the French Revolution.

To what extent did th outbreak of war in April 1792 change the course of the French Revolution?

The Declaration of Pillnitz was taken by France as a threat to the Revolution and it started the French Revolutionary Wars. It also convinced those involved with the Reign of Terror that Louis XVI was a threat to the Revolution. It had become time for France to answer the Prussia and the Holy Roman Empire with Regicide.

Why did Native American tribes sign treaties with Britain?

A. To earn money B. To help the French C. To get their rights back D. To become English Citizens

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After the American Revolution.

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How did the American revolution become a world was?

I would say no because think about the World wars. In the World Wars, there were 4+ countries fighting. In the American Revolution was just a war because there were only 2 countries fighting. France came to help really late. That's actually false. Dozens, if not hundreds, of countries were involved in the World Wars. At least five countries were involved in the Revolutionary War. The United States, England, France, Spain, and even Germany. And France was actually involved for a whole four years.

How did the American revolution become one of the main causes of the french revolution?

The money spent to help America that was never paid back hurt France's economy, making the lower classes even poorer and more likely to revolt.

What was the impact of the American Revolution on world history?

the war was what helped america become independent and become the united states of america.