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Answer 1

the growing animosity was because of the new wave of Immigration from the east, in a hard economic time when jobs were hard to come by.

Answer 2

People had a dislike for Jews because at this time while the depression had just struck a chord with many German's out on the streets, unemployed and had lost their homes, while the Jewish people where still burdened with wealth and a major threat to the German people. At this time in 1933, the German's were fresh out of luck without any hope or possible options when Adolf Hitler steps in and convinces everyone that he is the wonderful solution to the depression and eventually winning over the everyone and becoming chancellor of Germany (the highest position in government). At first, the German's were in love with this smooth talking vet because for one he had Czech. give a good portion of land Germany without a war. Then after a while, with everyone bowing down to Hitler he had the smallest window of opportunity where he could turn the German's against the Jewish people, and of course he toke that chance and made everyone turn on Jews; blaming the depression and all their troubled problems on the ''hard-working''.


" ... smooth talking". Pull the other one - it's got bells on! I wonder if the person who provided the second answer has ever listened to a recording of one of Hitler's speeches.

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Q: Why did the Germans begin to dislike the Jews in 1919?
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