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Becayse, Gac chambers are a cheap, most effective and quick way of killing a bunch of people

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Q: Why did the Germans put the Jews in the gas furnace?
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When did the Nazis put the Jews in ghettos?

basically as soon as the Germans occupied a country, they would put the Jews into ghettos.

What pellets did the Germans put into the gas chambers?


How did Jews meet their deaths?

They were put in gas chambers

What was the wall called that was separarting the Jews from the Germans?

as far as i know there was no named wall separating Jews however they were separated by being put into ghettos

What did the Germans do to the Jewish people if they were caught?

They were probably put in gas chambers or hung or even put to starve.

What did the Germans do with all the dead Jews in World War 2?

put them in the coal house and burnt their bodies

What horrible things did the Germans do to kill Jews?

Burn, Shoot, Starve, Work to Death, Perform medical experiments on, Suffocate with mustard gas, beat.

Did any German people try and help the Jews?

Of course. Not all Germans believed in the Nazi way. In fact, many of the Jews who were put to death were German themselves.

What happend to the Jews in the Holocaust?

They were killed, shot, beaten, put in gas chambers.

How were Jews tortured by Nazis?

He would put in gas chambers like a stupid!

How did the Nazi's punish people who hid Jews?

they was put in a room of gas then they died

How do you tell if a gas furnace flu is plugged?

my comfortmaker ignitor was just put in it will not light on its own. If I light it manually it will light.