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The Hutus claimed that the Tutsies assassinated their 1st populary elected president, so the Hutus took immediate action making messages to broadcast on "Hate Radio" to kill all Tutsis. This soon turned into the Rwandan Genocide and nearly 1,000,000 Rwandans were murdered.

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15y ago
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9y ago

The Hutu and Tutsi people got along prior to colonization, but conflict arose between them when Europeans colonized Rwanda. The Europeans thought that the Tutsi appeared more European and gave the Tutsi more privilege and power, while stripping the Hutu of their power. The Hutu began to see the Tutsi as oppressors and their resentment of the Tutsi's special treatment led them to want to destroy the Tutsi race.

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14y ago

This is probably over simplified. however. While Rwanda was under the control of the french they set up a class system where the owners of cattle were given preferential treatment over others. The problem was that the herd owners were nomadic and the people that had permanent settlements suddenly found themselves under the political control of people that had no business giving them orders. needless to say when the french Finlay left they left behind a recipe for disaster and resentment. as those that were in fact nomads were left in charge of the permanent population.

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11y ago

The Tutsis looked more European (not really) than the Hutus because the Tutsis' were taller, thinner features, and were lighter skinned. The Hutus however were stockier, darker skinned and broad features. The Europeans even went as far as measuring the nose width to determine if the African should be a Tutsi or a Hutu

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10y ago

Class warfare was the root of the conflict between the Tutsis and Hutu, but the assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana, the Hutu president of Rwanda, on April 6, 1994 is what sparked the mass genocide of Tutsis.

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11y ago

they did

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Q: Why did the Hutu want to kill the Tutsi?
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Who were the groups involved in the Rwanda?

The Hutu, Tutsi's, and Twa. The Hutu's were against the Tutsi's and tried to extinct that race/kind.

Are the Hutu and Tutsi still fighting in Rwanda?

Yes. hutu and tutsi gangs still fight in rwanda. #lovethepenis

How do you figure out if you are a Hutu or Tutsi?

To figure out if you are a Hutu or a Tutsi, you have to look at your identification card. In Rwanda and neighboring Burundi, identification cards list tribal affiliations. This includes Hutu, Tutsi, Twa, Masai, Zulu, and other tribes. You can also speak to your parents or grandparents to understand your Hutu or Tutsi roots.

Why did the hutu and tutsi fight?

The Hutu and the Tutsi, who were in fact the same race, were separated based on their appearances by their foreign, Belgian rulers prior to the genocide. The Hutu were the majority; they where more bulky in build and had darker skin. The Tutsi were taller, with lighter skin, and they made more money. For this reason hate for the Tutsi was common among the Hutu. Prejudiced radio stations were geared toward spreading hate for the Tutsi. The Tutsi were a scapegoat, targeted by the Hutu during difficult times in Rwanda. "Poverty breeds extremism"; for this reason the Hutu were willing to believe that the Tutsi were the root of their problems.

What are 2 traditional groups of people that exist in Africa?

The Hutu and Tutsi, Pygmy, Zulu, Bushpeople, etc.

What was everyday life like for the rwandan hutu and tutsi tribes before during and after the rwanda civil war?

The Hutu and Tutsi were on ethnic group, and Hutu nor Tutsi did not exist, but one tribe of peaceful people. Belgium went to Rwanda and split them for different ethnic groups, determining who was Hutu or Tutsi by how many cows they had. Ten cows or more, they were Tutsi. Less than ten cows, was Hutu. This created conflict.

Why did the Hutu and Tutsi tribes fight?

Because the Belgians urged the Hutu tribe to challenge the Tutsi tribe's power in the 1950s

Who won the civil war between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes?

hutu power!

Is Paul Kagame a Hutu or a Tutsi?
