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Q: The tutsi ruled over the hutu for more than 100 years?
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Why did the hutu and tutsi fight?

The Hutu and the Tutsi, who were in fact the same race, were separated based on their appearances by their foreign, Belgian rulers prior to the genocide. The Hutu were the majority; they where more bulky in build and had darker skin. The Tutsi were taller, with lighter skin, and they made more money. For this reason hate for the Tutsi was common among the Hutu. Prejudiced radio stations were geared toward spreading hate for the Tutsi. The Tutsi were a scapegoat, targeted by the Hutu during difficult times in Rwanda. "Poverty breeds extremism"; for this reason the Hutu were willing to believe that the Tutsi were the root of their problems.

What was everyday life like for the rwandan hutu and tutsi tribes before during and after the rwanda civil war?

The Hutu and Tutsi were on ethnic group, and Hutu nor Tutsi did not exist, but one tribe of peaceful people. Belgium went to Rwanda and split them for different ethnic groups, determining who was Hutu or Tutsi by how many cows they had. Ten cows or more, they were Tutsi. Less than ten cows, was Hutu. This created conflict.

What was the misunderstanding that caused the rwandan genocide?

tutsi's were given more power than the hutu so the hutu started a genocide

How did the hutu dehumanize the tutsi?

The reason why is because the tutsi were not the kind of people the hutu's were. The hutu called them names such as cockroach's , dirt, and other racism words. The Hutu were the higher class and the Tutsis were the lower and more poor. So the Hutu thought the world would be better if there were no poor people or "dirtiness" so they killed them. I hope this worked. Also, you should watch the movie "Hotel Rwanda' it helps a lot.

How did the Rwandan genocide unfold?

Hutu's and Tutsi were fighting over who caused more issues

The rwanda's colonizers favored the tutsi over the hutu peoples because the tutsi?

Because of their skin color look more like their own

What is a small African country where in 1994 massive violence broke out and more than 200000 Tutsi were killed by the Hutu militia?


In what small African country did a massive violence break out in 1994 and more than 200000 Tutsi were killed by th Hutu militia?


Who were the victims and aggressors of Rwanda?

It was and remains far more then two rival groups, the Hutu and the Tutsi trying for control in a vacumn left by Belgian withdrawal. The Tutsi were the first to suffer actual genocide. The Hutu had suffered for years under Tutsi domination and Belgium was slow to respond and may have shown a degree of favoritism to the Tutsi who had been their figurehead leadership in the Colonial era. The Catholic Church must also assume some responsibility for failing to provide leadership. The United Naions is equally to blame for its slow response. The aggressors appeared on both sides of the fray as did the victims. Rwanda was unprepared for the responsibility of genuine self government which they wanted and deserved.

Why did the Hutu want to kill the Tutsi?

The Hutus claimed that the Tutsies assassinated their 1st populary elected president, so the Hutus took immediate action making messages to broadcast on "Hate Radio" to kill all Tutsis. This soon turned into the Rwandan Genocide and nearly 1,000,000 Rwandans were murdered.

identify any tribal motivated conflict in africa?

A good case is that which happened in Rwanda that lead to the famous genocide between the Hutu and Tutsi. For more information text me on WhatsApp +25479057477

How did racism play a role in Rwandan genocide?

It was the culmination, largely influenced by the Belqen colonization which favored the Tutsi minority group because of their more "European" appearance, of longstanding ethnic competition and tensions between the minority Tutsi, who had controlled power for centuries, and the majority Hutu peoples, who had come to power in the rebellion of 1959-1962 and overthrown the Tutsi monarchy.