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Answer 1

What do you mean by "truth"? I presume you are referring to Jesus Christ and if so, the early Church were all Jews, as were all the Apostles. They didn't "resist the truth" but nor did they see Jesus as GOD in fact, even Jesus saw GOD as GOD - and not himself. Or is seeing Jesus Christ as GOD "truth" to you?

"I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" -- Jesus (Matthew 15:24)

For myself as a Muslim, Jesus is the epitome in both conduct and speech, of a Sufi: a human who truly abides in the Father and the Father in him. His teachings have gone well beyond his people indeed, they have gone through out the world.

Answer 2

From the Jewish perspective, the beliefs of Christianity and Islam were corruptions of the Truth given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, which was to be an eternal covenant between the Jews and God. The view that such a relationship can be abrogated by a New Testament (asserted by Christianity) or that the Jews falsified aspects of their Bible (asserted by Islam) are considered false beliefs. It is worth noting that Judaism sees the corruption inherent in Christianity and Islam insufficient to deny the followers of those religions a stake in the World-to-Come. Put more clearly, Jews believe that Christianity and Islam are close enough to the Truth that their followers will end up in the "good place" after death.

To see some Jewish counter-apologetics to the Christian claims of Jesus' divinity and his having been foretold, please see the Youtube channel in the Related Link.

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Q: Why did the Jews resist the truth?
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