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Because of the droutes and the lost of food

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Q: Why did the Neolithic revolution happen?
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What happen after the Neolithic revolution?

There are several things that happened after the Neolithic revolution. For instance, women stopped hunting and gathering since the men would work on farms and get food.

What would happen if the neolithic argricultural revolution never took place?

The neolithic revolution began when people discovered agriculture. Because of agriculture people could now farm instead of hunting and gathering.

What two discoveries brought on the Neolithic revolution?

The two key discoveries that brought on the Neolithic revolution were agriculture, leading to settled farming communities, and the domestication of animals for food, labor, and other resources. These changes enabled a shift from nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyles to more permanent settlements and the development of early civilizations.

Neolithic Revolution first occur?

the neolithic Revolution started in 10,000 B.C.E and lasted until 5,000 B.C.E.

What are some inventions of the neolithic Revolution?

Some inventions of the Neolithic Revolution include agriculture, pottery, weaving, and the domestication of animals. These innovations allowed early humans to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities and led to the development of complex societies.

How did the Neolithic revolution lead the specialization?

The Neolithic revolution lead to specialization. This is because the Neolithic revolution allowed people to settle down and begin to do other jobs instead of hunting.

How did the Neolithic revolution lead to specialization?

The Neolithic revolution lead to specialization. This is because the Neolithic revolution allowed people to settle down and begin to do other jobs instead of hunting.

Was the Neolithic revolution really a revolution?


Who used the term Neolithic revolution?

The term Neolithic revolution was first used by the man V. Gordon Childe.V. Gordon Childe was the first man to use the term Neolithic revolution.

the Neolithic Revolution describes the?

The Neolithic Revolution was a time in history when humans learned how to farm and domesticate animals.

In what area of the world did the Neolithic Revolution first occur?

the neolithic revolution first occurred in the Mesopotamian area.

What did humans begin to do during the Neolithic Revolution?

Humans started to farm and domesticate animals during the neolithic revolution.