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Invasions brought three more groups, though the extent to which they replaced native populations is unknown

  1. the Old Irish-speaking Scotti (Scots) or more specifically, the Dál Riatans, arrived from Ireland from the late 5th century onwards, taking possession of Argyll and the west coast in the Kingdom of Dál Riata.
  2. the Anglo-Saxons expanding from Bernicia and the continent. Notably seizing Gododdin in the 7th Century. It was their language, a variant of early northern Middle English, now known as Middle Scots but called Ynglis at the time, which eventually became the predominant tongue of lowland Scotland, whereas the name "Scottis" (Modern form: Scots) referred to the Gaelic language spoken largely in the Highlands. However, during the late Middle Ages the name "Scots" was transferred to the Scottish form of English, while the Celtic language of the Highlands came to be known as Erse (Irish) and later as Gaelic.
  3. In the aftermath of the 795 Viking raid on Iona, the Norse Jarls of Orkney took hold of the Western Isles, Caithness and Sutherland, while Norse settlers mixed with the inhabitants of Galloway to become the Gallgaels.
  4. On many occasions - the Scots invaded parts of England during the civil war of the 12th Century and there were many border skirmish's, the English invaded parts of Scotland and claimed parts of the Borders up the Firth of Forth that were formally part of the Kingdom of Northumbria. The last invasion was during the 17th Century and was part of the civil war.
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13y ago

Basically Edward and the King of Scotland were friends and they got some of their relatives married or something like that and when the King of Scotland died without ever having a son to be the heir to his throne King Edward claimed that because his family was married into the last King's he should own Scotland. Then when that didn't work out he used the next King of Scotland (I think a group of nobles decided to make him king or something) as a puppet and when he defyed him he captured him and sent him into exile and he was a coward so he never came back and then Edward tried to get the Pope's ok for him taking over Scotland and some Glaswegian Bishop went and explained to the Pope why he shouldn't so the Pope said no blah blah blah stuff like that and then he was about to takeover Scotland (he and his troups were marching up to the border) and he died and he asked his son to continue and take his bones to Scotland but he just dumped the body in some church to await proper burial and marched the troups back to where they came from and he left Scotland alone for a bit.

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14y ago

I presume you mean Edward I (Longshanks). Because he wanted to rule the whole island of Britain.

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Q: Why did the Scots invade northern England?
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