

Why did the Stamp Acts congress do?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why did the Stamp Acts congress do?
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Which event led to the meeting of the first continental congress?

The coercive acts

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Ma leader was the most favorate weeder

What did the delegates to the stamp acts congress hope to achieve by sending a petition to the British king and Parliament?

They hoped that it would end both the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act.

What is a good picture to draw to represent The Stamp Act Congress?

a stamp with a picture of congress on it

Who attended the Stamp Act congress of 1765?

Colonists attended the Stamp Act Congress of 1765. The Stamp Act Congress was held in New York City in October of 1765.

What did George Grenville do with the American Reveloution?

George Grenville instituted the Currency, Stamp, and Sugar Acts which all outraged the colonists which in return led to the American Revolution.

How did the Stamp Acts and Townshend Acts differ?

townshed - you stop selling stuff usuaslly porno equipt stamp act - no foods stamp

What acts were included in the Intolerable Acts?

The 4 intolerable acts were the Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Townshend act, and the Tea Act.

What was not included in the so- called intolerable acts?

The Stamp Act, passed in 1765, was not one of the Intolerable Acts.

Stamp act congress?

A congress that Talked about the new tax law

In 1765 colonists met in New York where representatives sent a formal note to English government in protest of one of the acts. What was the name of this meeting?

I think stamp act congress

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