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The issue was about the drawing of the border line. Mexico felt it should be along one river when the US felt it should be at the RIO GRANDE river. The river the Mexicans wanted to use a river that would have given them more land and water. In the end the Rio Grande became the border line.

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They went to war because the Texans wanted independence.

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becuz we texans#$*^ hated about mexicans so we wanted to attack their off!:)

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Q: Why did Texas and Mexico go to war?
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The Mexicans could have not opened up Texas or New Mexico for American settlement because these two acts greatly increased the American population that it soon outnumbered the actual Mexicans. This could have prevented the entire disputes over the annexation of Texas which was a primary reason Polk went into the war-- to get Texas as a state of the U.S.

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Texas was originally part of Mexico. I believe Texas wanted to be its own country. The US claimed Texas after the war between the US and Mexico.

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No. The Texas Revolution is also called the Texas War of Independence.

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The so-called "Aztlan War" is a racist myth. As for the rest of your question, Mexico has never invaded Texas. Texas was part of Mexico, and Mexico tried to prevent Texas from declaring independence. The effort failed, but it is false to say that Mexico ever invaded Texas.

When did Texas and Mexico fight?

During the Texas Revolution (1835-1836).

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How did President James K. Polk get American to go to war with Mexico?

By having Mexico start the war by driving the Mexican forces out of the disputed border region in Texas & make the border secure.