

Why did the Vietminh attack the french after WW2?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Why did the Vietminh attack the french after WW2?
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What did this vietminh victory cause the French to do?

The Vietminh victory caused the French to withdraw from Vietnam.

Did Great Britain provide aid to the Vietminh during the French Indochina War?

No, there was no reason to do so. Britain helped French troops in 1945 just after the end of WW2.

The french surrendered to the vietminh at?

Dien Bien Phu.

Where did the French lost the battle of Vietminh at?

Dien Bien Phu

When were the French defeated by the Vietminh?

March 1954-the French surrender at Dien Bien Phu.

Who formed the Vietminh League and why?

The French Indochina

When was Viet Cong formed?

Ho Chi Minh formed the Vietminh in 1941 to fight the Japanese during WW2; after Japan was defeated by the allies, and WW2 ended in 1945, they went after the French in 1946.

Did the US provide aid to the Vietminh during the French Indochina War?

No , the US assisted the French .

After the Vietminh victory what did the French do?

They gave up their Vietnamese Colony and returned to Europe.

What tactics did the Vietminh use to fight?

They adapted their tactics to the situation, using ambush against French supply convoys on the roads. At the Battle of Dienbienphu their tactics were sustained artillery barrage followed by mass infantry attack to wear down the French; sacrificing Vietminh soldiers in order to gain ground, as they had more soldiers to sacrifice. Similar tactics were used earlier by the Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans.

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On May 7 1954 where did a French force fall to the Vietminh?

dien bien phu