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Q: Why did the Virginia plan want 2 houses?
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Under the Virginia plan the legislative branch would have how many houses?


What form of legislature did the Virginia Plan call for?

The Virginia plan called for a legislative branch that had 2 chambers also known as a bicameral legislative branch. James Madison drafted the Virginia plan.

What plan submitted by James Madison proposed two houses of congress based up population?

The Virginia Plan. At the Philadelphia Convention, Madison was originally going to call for amending the Articles of Confederation to have a stronger central government in order to prevent bankruptcy and disunion, but he eventually realized that a totally new Constitution was necessary. He the advanced his plan, The Virginia Plan, as an outline for the new Constitution which included the 2 houses of Congress based on population.

How many houses of government did the VA plan have?


What is the difference between the new jersea plan and the Virginia Plan?

New Jersey plan only wanted one house in the legislative branch. One vote per offical per state. The VA plan wanted 2 houses. An upper house or Senate and a lower house the House of Representatives ( the people's house).

How many houses did the VA plan have?

There were 3 branches and 2 houses (in the legislative branch) i hope i answered your question.

How were the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was the different regarding the organization of Congress?

In the New Jersey plan It wanted 1 representing body in congress with 2 people per state. In the Virginia plan it wanted 2 representing bodies in congress with the people depending on population.

Virginia plan how many houses?

Three - legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislature was more powerful, as it chose people to serve in the executive and judicial branches. The make up of the legislature also depended on population. The larger states ended up with more representation.

What was the New Jersey and Virginia Plan meant to do?

The New Jersey and Virginia Plans of the 1780s were each meant to provide a formula to choose representatives to the legislature being created during the Constitutional Convention. The Virginia Plan called for representatives to be allotted in proportion to the state's population while the New Jersey Plan would have the number of representatives be the same for each state regardless of population.

What was the issue with the great compromise?

The issue with the Virginia and New Jersey Plans. It created 2 houses of congress.

which statement accurately describes the Virginia plan?

There would be 2 houses in Congress and representatives one be assigned a based on state population

How did the Great Compromise settle the representative issue?

there were 2 proposed plans that dealt with representing the population in congress. the virginia plan proposed deciding the number of reps by population of the state. the new jersey plan proposed having 1 representative per state. the great compromise created 2 houses of congress: the senate and the house of representatives. the senate was to have 2 reps per state. the house was to have its reps based on the population of each state.