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He never said specifically, but we can logically assume that it was because they would be of extremely high value and could cause issues with greed or cause problems with looters or robbers. Additionally, if the plates existed it would eliminate the need to accept the Book of Mormon on faith, which is a basis of Mormonism.

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Q: Why did the angel moroni take the Mormon plates back to heaven?
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What name did the Native Americans give to the alleged angel Moroni?

Well, as Moroni is a character from the Book of Mormon, and Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon people are the ancestors of today's Native Americans. So Moroni is his Native American name, Moroni is a Native American.

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Most of the Angel Moroni statues found on Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are made of fiberglass and then covered in gold leaf.

Where did the angel of Moroni come from?

Moroni was originally a man found in the Book of Mormon. There are two mentioned there. One who is a military captain, and another who is the son of Mormon (the man who compiled the Book of Mormon). Angel Moroni is Moroni, son of Mormon. This Moroni is the last prophet of the Book of Mormon, who lived in about 421 a.d. As the last rememaining prophet before all the world went apostate (the Christians in the Old World had already fallen away by this time), it was his duty to restore what was lost to these latter days. He did so by returning to the earth as an angel, teaching Joseph Smith and giving him the Book of Mormon. A statue of the Angel Moroni is found on the majority of the Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as he has become a symbol of the restoration of ancient truths.

Where is this ancient record that Joseph smith found?

The ancient record that was translated by Joseph Smith is now published as the Book of Mormon. He also translated a much smaller and lesser-known ancient record that is published among Mormon scripture in the Pearl of Great Price as the Book of Abraham. The actual metal plates which he translated into the Book of Mormon were taken into heaven by the angel Moroni, which lead him to them in the first place.

Who was mormon's father in the book of Mormon?

There are two men named Moroni in the Book of Mormon. One is the Captain Moroni. We are never told who his father is. He is first introduced in Alma 43:16 at the age of 25.The second Moroni is the one who became the Angel Moroni. His father was Mormon, the man who compiled the Book of Mormon.

Which sacred text was given to Joseph Smith by the angel Moroni?

I was thinking it was the 'Book of Mormons.' The Book of Mormon.

How old are the Mormon plates?

I assume you are asking about the plates which were translated by Joseph Smith into the Book of Mormon? Those plates were a compilation of four groups of plates - the small and large plates of Nephi, the plates of Mormon, the plates of Ether, and the plates of Brass. The plates of Nephi were written between 580 BC and 321 AD. The plates of Mormon were written between 355 and 421 AD. The plates of Ether were written between 2200 and 300 BC. The plates of Brass were written before the time of the Book of Mormon and contained the writings of Moses, Isaiah, and other Old Testament prophets. Therefore they are from before 600 BC. As Joseph Smith returned the plates to the Angel Moroni following the translation, the actual plates are not in existence on the earth and therefore their ages cannot be determined by scientific means.

How tall is Angel Moroni?

No description of the actual Angel Moroni's heighth exists.

Who is Morani?

Moroni, according to the Book of Mormon, was the last Nephite prophet and military commander who lived in North America in the late fourth and early fifth centuries. Latter-day Saint theology can be interpreted to mean that after his death Moroni was resurrected and became an angel. In addition to the Book of Mormon account, Joseph Smith and the Three Witnesses also testified they saw Moroni in the form of an angel of light.

Where did Joseph smith find the plates?

Joseph Smith was lead to the hill near his home by the angel Moroni, who showed him where the plates were buried. The hill did not have a name at the time. Mormons call the hill Cumorah, because the Book of Mormon says that the plates were buried by Moroni in the hill Cumorah. Non-Mormons often call the hill "Mormon Hill" or "Gold Bible Hill".

Who is the angel on top of the Mormon tabernacle?

The Angel Moroni typically faces east. Presumably this is symbolic of Moroni heralding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, who will come from the east (Matthew 24:27). Not all Moroni statues face east, however. One exception is the Angel Moroni atop the Nauvoo, Illinois Temple. This angel faces to the West in commemoration of the Saints' Trek to the Great Salt Lake Valley from Nauvoo. Other Moroni statues that do not face east are: Accra Ghana (NorthEast); Anchorage Alaska (NorthEast); Apia Samoa (SouthWest); Boise Idaho (South); Buenos Aires Argentina (SouthEast); Chicago Illinois (North); Dallas Texas (South); Johannesburg South Africa (South); Kona Hawaii (NorthEast); London England (South); Manhattan New York (SouthWest); Manila Philippines (West); Mexico City Mexico (south); Nuku'Alofa Tonga (West); Oaxaca Mexico (SouthEast); St. Louis Missouri (South); Santiago Chile (South); Seattle Washington (West); Seoul Korea (south); Stockholm Sweden (south); Suva Fiji (south); Taipei Taiwan (west); and Veracruz Mexico (west). Temples with no Angel Moroni statue are Cardston Alberta; Hamilton New Zealand; Laie Hawaii; Logan Utah; Manti Utah; Oakland California; and St. George Utah.

Did anyone actually see the alleged angel Moroni's spacecraft?

The angel Moroni doesn't have a spacecraft.