


Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith was the founder of the Latter Day Saints or Mormon religion. He is considered a prophet by the members of the Mormon church. Questions regarding Joseph Smith can be directed here.

184 Questions

What faith is Joseph Smith associated with?

Joseph Smith, Jr. (December 23, 1805 - June 27, 1844) was an American religious leader and the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, the predominant branch of which is Mormonism. At age twenty-four, Smith published the Book of Mormon, and in the next fourteen years he attracted thousands of followers, established cities and temples, and created a lasting religious culture.

We know a prophet historian was named Mormon and that's why Joseph Smith called his book the Book of Mormon so when did the church begin calling itself Latter Day Saints?

The name was changed to the current form about 1838. It went through a couple of different forms.

(1830) It was originally called the "The Church of Christ"

(1834) Changed to "The Church of Latter-Day Saints" to reflect the belief that we are living in the Last Days before the Second Coming of Christ

(1838) Changed to "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" on the grounds that, for it to be Christ's Church, it really should be called by His Name.

When was Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible created?

Joseph Smith began the translation of the Bible in 1830 and continued working on it until his death in 1844. However, the process of revising and making changes to the text continued after his death, and the final version of the Joseph Smith Translation was published in 1979 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What was the Forest that Joseph Smith went to?

Joseph Smith went to the Sacred Grove, a small patch of woods near his family's farm in Palmyra, New York. It was in the Sacred Grove that Joseph Smith claimed to have had his First Vision, a pivotal event in the founding of the Latter-day Saint movement.

How old was Joseph Smith when he died?

Joseph Smith was born on December 23, 1805 and was killed on June 27, 1844, so he was 38 years, six months, and four days old at the time of his death.

What was Joseph smith sr's priesthood line of authority?

Brigham Young was ordained an Apostle on February 14, 1835 under the hands of the Three Witnesses; Oliver Cowdry, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.

The Three Witnesses were called by revelation to choose the Twelve Apostles and were "blessed by the laying of the the hands of the First Presidency" (Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams) to ordain the Twelve Apostles (see Church History Vol 2 page 187)

Joseph Smith, Jr. and Oliver Cowdry received the Melchizedek Priesthood in 1829 under the hands of Peter, James, and John. They were visited by Peter, James, and John who were sent as resurrected beings to restore the Priesthood authority to the earth. (See Doctrine and Covenants 21:12-13)

Peter, James, and John were ordained Apostles by the Lord Jesus Christ. (See John 15:16)

Brigham Young was ordained an Elder on the date of his baptism, April 14, 1832 by Eleazer Miller, however, Priesthood lines of authority are counted from the highest office of priesthood received, so the line of authority extending from Elder Miller is insignificant.

What was one of Joseph Smith's basic beliefs?

His main belief was that none of the "Christian Churches" were right and that a new revelation was needed to "restore" Christianity. This is still the central belief of all sects of Mormonism.

How many temples did Joseph Smith Jr dedicate?

One. Joseph Smith, Jr dedicated the Kirtland Temple in Kirtland, Ohio on March 27, 1836. Some believe he dedicated the Nauvoo Temple as well, but it was actually dedicated by Orson Hyde on May 3, 1846 - nearly two years after Joseph was murdered!

Did Joseph smith really see god and Jesus Christ?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that Joseph Smith did see and speak with Jesus Christ several times. They also believe that Joseph Smith saw and spoke with other important people, such as God the Father, John the Baptist, and Peter, James, and John.

Check out the "Related Links" below to learn more about Joseph Smith.

How did Joseph Smith write the Book of Mormon using gold plates?

Joseph Smith reportedly translated what was written on plates (of different metals actually) with the help of God and a tool that was with the plates called the urim and Thummim when he received them, although no archealogical evidence exists to suggest that any metal was used to keep records in ancient America.

Translating the plates took a lot of concentration and spirituality. If he was not in the right set of mind he could not do it. There's actually a story where Joseph had an argument with his wife and went to go translate, but found he could not do it. He had to go and apologize to Emma (his wife) and ask forgiveness from God before he could translate again.

Joseph Smith was a prophet, and God revealed the translation to him as they went along. Usually, he would sit with the plates and dictate the translation to a scribe, since he was not good at writing. It took a very long time.

Addition to the above text:

The "tool" used to help Joseph Smith was called "Urim and Thummim"

Addition to the above text:

Clarification. The Urim and Thummim were described as stones, so many believe that one way he translated was to put "seer stones" into a hat and translate the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith apparently did this to (unsuccessfully) find buried treasure before finding the Book of Mormon. This hasn't been mentioned in any records as a way of translating, and the gold plates were used, but were kept hidden from the scribe until Joseph was told otherwise. The Urim and Thummim (the way they were described) sound like they were kind of like glasses that Joseph could look at the plates through. But I don't know if there is actual documentation of that.

Joseph found the gold plates because the Angel Moroni told him where they were buried. Not because of treasure hunting seer stones.

The reformed Egyptian language in which the plates were written is unheard of in any archaelogical circles outside of those within the LDS Church. In fact, no ancient American historical evidence exists to suggest the existence of any ancient culture called the Nephites or Lamanites or any other people group unique to the Book of Mormon.

Correction to the above statement:

Prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in the early 1800's the Egyptian language was virtually an unknown language. Archeologists determine the Rosetta Stone dated from about 196 A.D. The 'Book of Mormon' history begins about 600 B.C., 400 years earlier. Now take the Lehi family to America. Things change and a change in language takes place, i.e. 'REFORMED EGYPTIAN'. Even in the language we use English, it is not the same as it was written in 1600 or 1700. The writing is different. Even today the English language is different in various parts of America and English speaking countries. It is possible that a 'REFORMED EGYPTIAN' was created.

Actually, metal plates were used to write on as far back as 600 B.C. and the use of a low grade steel was also manufactured.

The ancient battle on the hill of Cumorah in New York recorded in the Book of Mormon, for example, has left zero evidence behind. Despite the fact that the text says over 200,000 people died there, no weapons, armor, skeletons, mass graves, etc (all things you would expect to find at an ancient battle site) have been found. Unlike the Bible, whose people, wildlife, places, and culture have been preserved throughout history, the Book of Mormon's people and settings left no trace of their existence behind, despite years and millions of dollars of excavation performed by Mormon anthropologists.

Correction to the above statement:

Before he became president of the United States Thomas Jefferson excavated a burial mound about 1773 and published his findings a few years later (about 1780). In his write up of the mound he found thousands of bones. It reads; "conjectured that in this barrow (mound) might have been a thousand skeletons." In the 1700's there were thousands of these mounds on the eastern part of the U.S.

As the settlers moved westward these mounds were ransacked and destroyed by treasure hunters and plowed under by farmers.

Check out the 'Hopewell' Indian Culture of the Ohio area. It dates from (100 B.C. to 500 A.D.)

Correction on Urim and Thummim:

They were actually two stones fastened onto a breastplate.

Where did Joseph smith say he received the ideas for the book of Mormons?

Joseph Smith claimed to have recieved an ancient recordinscribed on metal plates. These plates were buried underground and he was lead to the spot where they were by an angel.

The Book of Mormon is a direct translation of this ancient record, whichJoseph translated from an unknown language (a sort of Hebrew/Egyptian hybrid) by the gift and power of God. The Book of Mormon does not claim to be a collection of religious "ideas" given to Joseph Smith, but a direct translation of the Word of God as given to ancient peoples. Several friends and associates of Joseph Smith assisted him in transcribing the translation as he dictated it straight from the plates, all ofwhom testified that his story is true.

You may be thinking instead of the Doctrine and Covenants, which is a collection of visions andrevelations given to Joseph Smith from God. The Doctrine and Covenants serves as a modern witness, as opposed to the ancient records of the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon.

You can learn more about the Book of Mormon at the "Related Links" below.

How did the book of Mormon originate?

The Book of Mormon, like the Bible, was written by ancient peoples between the years 2600 B.C. and 421 A.D. The records were eventually collected and transcribed onto metal plates and buried.

In 1828, Joseph Smith, Jr. was lead by an angel to the place where these plates were buried. He translated them into modern English by the power of God.

You can learn more about what Mormons believe about the Book of Mormon, read it online, or order your own free copy, at the "Related Links" below.

What year was Joseph Smith murdered?

At Carthage Jail in Carthage Illinois. He was murdered by a mob of about 200 armed men, their faces painted black with wet gunpowder stormed the jail in the late afternoon of June 27, 1844.The mob fired shots through the door and attempted to push the door open to fire into the room. Hyrum Smith, Joseph's brother, was shot in the face, just to the left of his nose and killed. His body received five additional gunshot wounds. Joseph was shot in the chest from a bullet from outside the jail and fell out the window where he was shot many times and killed. Five men went on trial for the murder, however, they were all found not guilty.

What color were Joseph Fielding Smith's eyes?

The same color as Pope Benedict after he was exhumed.

What did Joseph Smith do?

Joseph Smith helped the Mormons by creating them!

Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) believe that Jesus Christ restored the true New Testament Christian Church through Joseph Smith. Without Joseph Smith, there would have never been a such thing as Mormons.

You can learn more about Joseph Smith and how he founded the church at the "Related Links" below.

Is Alex Smith related to Joseph Smith?

Not sure but he is on a mission to the ruin the 49ers!!!!

How long did it take for Joseph smith to translate the book of Mormon?

It all depends on your reading ability and what kind of attention you are giving to the book.

The English language edition of the Book of Mormon is just over 500 pages. Although the text is quite small, it also includes many footnotes and cross references. I have heard of people reading through the Book of Mormon in a single day, although most people who are reading the Book of Mormon and carefully and prayerfully studying it as a work of scripture and the sacred word of God usually take a month to a year to complete it cover to cover. Many reading plans for the Book of Mormon are 100-day plans, with you reading about 5 pages a day. The fastest I have ever completed the Book of Mormon was two months, but I was also recording my thoughts and feelings in the margins as a read.

Why is Joseph smith remembered?

The "Mormons" (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) do NOT worship Joseph Smith. We worship the same Lord as all other Christian religions. We just believe that Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are three DIFFERENT entities in three DIFFERENT forms. Joseph Smith only restored the church in the new world.

Mormons worship only God the Father and Jesus Christ. To worship anything or anyone else is blasphemy. We believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet, just like Moses, Abraham, Isaiah, etc. We revere and respect him as a man of God, but do not worship him, just as we do not worship any of the other prophets.

You can learn more about who and how Mormons worship, as well as see other Mormons answers to this question, at the "Related Links below.

Was Joseph Smith a Schizophrenic?

There has been no substantial evidence that Joseph Smith suffered from any mental illness.

Where did Joseph Smith and his followers originally plan to have their headquarters?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was established by Joseph Smith on April 6 1830. Members of this church believe Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that there is a living prophet on earth today.It is the 4th largest christian church in America. Often referred to as the Mormon Church.

There have been a few splinter groups from the LDS church. The first and largest was the RLDS church, which has since melded into the community of christ for financial reasons, and has renounced the prophet-hood of Joseph Smith.

There is also the polygamist group lead by Warren Jeffs that was recently in the news. This group beleives in the Book of Mormon, but is unaffiliated with the LDS church.

Did Joseph Smith run to be the President of US?

Joseph Smith, Jr. ran for President of the United States of America in the 1844 election. He ran as an independent. He was murdered in June, 1844, before the election took place.

To read an article about Joseph Smith's campaign for the presidency, click the "Related Link" below.

Was Joseph Smith Jr a real prophet?

Yes. There have been many real men named Joseph Smith. The most well-known Joseph Smith was a real man who lived from 1805 to 1844 in the eastern United States. He founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church).

Was Joseph smith a pervert?

No. There is no evidence that Joseph Smith was attracted to young children. He was 'sealed' to a couple of younger girls (14-18) in his late 20's and early 30's, but there is no evidence that he ever had a romantic or sexual relationship with them.

When did Albert Joseph Smith die?

Joseph Smith, Jr., the first prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) was shot and killed by a mob while awaiting trial in Carthage Jail in Carthage, Illinois on the evening of June 27, 1844. His brother, Hyrum, was also shot and killed in the same attack.

What has the author Clarence Joseph Smith written?

Joseph Smith published several things, most famously, The Book of Mormon, which he published in the United States and England. He also published the Doctrine and Covenants and a newspaper or two.