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Q: Why did the astronaut bump his head on the way out of the space shuttle?
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it has an air tank and keeps the air that you can't breathe in out.

What is the space shuttle used today?

your big head mama fool

What is bump clearance?

It is the space between the top of the piston and the bottom of the cylinder head. Great care should be used when putting an engine back together to make sure the bump clearance is not 0 so that the piston will not hit the head cylinder.

Does butter cure a bump on the head?

No butter does not cure a bump on the head, but try spreading it on your toast it tastes great.

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what does it mean if you have a bump on your head

What is the qualification for being an astronaut?

A head for heights.

Why is bump getting bigger and swelling after injury occurred 8 months ago?

bump on head

What is the head astronaut called?

He is called the Chief Astronaut. The first Chief Astronaut of NASA was Deke Slayton, a position he held from 1963 until his return to flight status in 1972.

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Bump on head

Is there supposed to be a bump in the middle of the back of your head?


Why does Siddhartha guatama has a bump on his head?

buddhists say that ... 1.As he was acheving enlightenment his head filled up with knowlege and created a bump hair was pinned up on top of his head

Is bump an noun?

Yes, the word 'bump' is both a noun (bump, bumps) and a verb (bump, bumps, bumping, bumped).Examples:He tripped on the rug and got a bump on his head. (noun)At the mall, you never know who you will bump into. (verb)