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Because he wanted to translate The Bible into English.

The roman catholic organisation however, did not want the "common people" to have a Bible in their own language. If people were allowed to read the Bible, they would find out the many unbiblical teachings of the rcc.

History records that the rcc tortured and burned millions of Christians, and a significant number were tortured and burned/murdered for daring to OWN a Bible in their own language.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Wycliffe was a heretic in a roman catholic era. His Protestantism cuased Catholics to dispse him

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Because he preached against them, why else?

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Q: Why did the church not like John Wycliffe?
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Decades after Wycliffe's death his bones were dug up, burned, and the ashes were thrown into the Swift River.

Who sponsored wycliffe?

John of Gaunt sponsored John Wycliffe.

What criticism did John Wycliffe have of the Catholic Church?

John Wycliffe was a philosopher and theologian from Luterworth, England. He often challenged certain teachings of the church and also criticized members of the clergy for not embracing living in poverty like Jesusâ?? disciples. Additionally, Wycliffe felt the Bible should be translated into English for commoners.