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The church - and many people, because of this - at the time firmly believed the Earth was at the centre of the universe. However, if the earth orbits the sun, then obviously the earth isn't at the centre. This makes the church look wrong (not the religion, just the official body, since they were the ones decreeing this) and was thus labelled blasphemy by them. They ordered him to abandon the idea because basically it made them wrong and they didn't like people knowing that.

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The church ordered Galileo to abandon the Copernican idea of heliocentrism because it conflicted with the prevailing biblical interpretation of a geocentric universe, where the Earth is the center of the universe. The church believed that this view would undermine the authority of The Bible and cause confusion among the faithful. Additionally, Galileo's advocacy for heliocentrism challenged the church's authority and power.

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Q: Why did the church order Galileo to abandon the Copernican idea of heliocentrism?
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Why was Galileo subject to an Inquisition from the Church and what was the result?

Galileo was subject to an Inquisition from the Church because he was teaching Copernican theory.

What did the church order Galileo to abandon the Copernican idea of the nature of the universe?

It happened after Galileo published a book supporting the heliocentric theory that portrayed the Pope as a simpleton. The official view still supported the scriptural teaching that the Earth was at the centre. The church was unwilling to change its ideas until there was good evidence, which science did not have until the 18th century, so Galileo was taken to court, the lack of evidence was exposed and he recanted. The heliocentric theory, with the Sun at the centre, was eventually accepted when the evidence for it was discovered, which happened well after Galileo's lifetime.

How does Galileo's discovery challenge existing scientific and religious beliefs?

Galileo's discovery of the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter challenged existing scientific and religious beliefs. It contradicted the geocentric model of the universe, which positioned Earth at the center, and supported Copernican heliocentrism instead. This challenged religious beliefs that were based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, which placed Earth at the center of the universe. Consequently, Galileo's findings led to clashes with the Catholic Church and the Inquisition.

Who was put in jail because he told people Copernicus model was correct?

It was not about modelling, it was about reality. Galileo was put in jail for heresy after he continued to say publicly that the Copernican model was the absolute truth, after he had been told by the church that he could use it and teach it only as a model to represent the planets. The model that is now accepted by everyone including the church is the one discovered by Kepler in 1609, which Galileo did not accept at the time because it uses elliptical orbits instead of the perfect circles of the Copernican theory.

Why did Galileo's heliocentric theory cause great controversy during the Scientific Revolution?

it proposed ideas that were contrary to religious teachings

Related questions

Why was Galileo subject to an Inquisition from the Church and what was the result?

Galileo was subject to an Inquisition from the Church because he was teaching Copernican theory.

What did the church order Galileo to abandon?

because they are dumb

What are the differences between the galilean and copernican theories?

Not much, both believed in heliocentrism. That planets revolve around the sun and not everything around the earth, which was the belief that many including the Catholic Church insisted on. Copernicus believed they travelled in circles, and later thanks to Kepler we know they are eliptical. Galileo never accepted this.

Why did the Catholic Church have problems with Copernicus' theory?

Galileo was constrained from teaching his theories as fact as he couldn't prove the facts that he was teaching. On the whole, the Church was very favorable to Galileo, the last Pope who was dealing with him was even a good friend of his. Nevertheless, Galileo kept insisting he was right, even when he could not come forward with any proof, until he angered every Church official he dealt with. For the full story, please see the link below.

What did the church order Galileo to abandon the Copernican idea of the nature of the universe?

It happened after Galileo published a book supporting the heliocentric theory that portrayed the Pope as a simpleton. The official view still supported the scriptural teaching that the Earth was at the centre. The church was unwilling to change its ideas until there was good evidence, which science did not have until the 18th century, so Galileo was taken to court, the lack of evidence was exposed and he recanted. The heliocentric theory, with the Sun at the centre, was eventually accepted when the evidence for it was discovered, which happened well after Galileo's lifetime.

How does Galileo's discovery challenge existing scientific and religious beliefs?

Galileo's discovery of the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter challenged existing scientific and religious beliefs. It contradicted the geocentric model of the universe, which positioned Earth at the center, and supported Copernican heliocentrism instead. This challenged religious beliefs that were based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, which placed Earth at the center of the universe. Consequently, Galileo's findings led to clashes with the Catholic Church and the Inquisition.

Why was Galileo galilei under house arrest?

Galileo Galilei was held under house result for heresy. It was part of an incident referred to as the Galileo Affair. During that time, Galileo was in conflict with the Catholic Church for suspicion of heresy due to his support of Copernican astronomy. See related links for more information.

What is the trial by the Catholic Church of Galileo?

The trial of Galileo was the Church basically telling Galileo that he could only teach heliocentrism as a theory until he had proof. The Church had previously approved Copernicus and his theory of heliocentrism but Galileo was insisting that it was fact - and he was presenting no proof. The judges had nothing to go on but the Bible, and they said that absent proof they would have to stick with the Biblical account as it was written. . Galileo took umbrage and managed to get everyone angry, including the pope at that time, who up until then had been a personal friend of Galileo and had supported him. All that they were asking for was him to stick to his theory until he had proof. Instead he proceeded to malign the Church officials and the Pope for no good reason, thus getting everyone angry. For a full account of the entire sorry episode, please see the article below which presents the most recent findings about the entire affair.

Why did Galileo's heliocentric theory cause controversy during the scientific revolution?

The Roman Catholic Church, which was politically powerful at the time, espoused the tenet that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo's promotion of the Copernican solar system caused him to be convicted of heresy.

How did Galileo disagree with the catholic church...?

Galileo promoted the heliocentric idea. Galileo was teaching the heliocentric theory of the universe as fact when it was, at the time, unproven. The Church asked him to revise his teaching to reflect that it was not a fact but only a theory or hypothesis. Most Church officials were on Galileo's side but agreed that he should tone down is rhetoric. Galileo had a very sharp tongue and was quite sarcastic in his remarks and that did little to help his case. Most of Galileo's disagreement with the Catholic Church was over his caustic personality and refusal to listen to reason. He was advanced the case for heliocentrism - which was accepted by some of the Church, and the Pope had previously approved it when Nicholas Copernicus put it forward, and the Pope actually wrote a foreword to his work. Galileo's problem was that he wouldn't listen to reason and accept ANY advice.

Who was put in jail because he told people Copernicus model was correct?

It was not about modelling, it was about reality. Galileo was put in jail for heresy after he continued to say publicly that the Copernican model was the absolute truth, after he had been told by the church that he could use it and teach it only as a model to represent the planets. The model that is now accepted by everyone including the church is the one discovered by Kepler in 1609, which Galileo did not accept at the time because it uses elliptical orbits instead of the perfect circles of the Copernican theory.

Did catholic church believe that earth was centre of universe?

Yes, they believed the Ptolemiac theory, not the Copernican. They persecuted Galileo Galileo for stating otherwise, Circa 1616. This was because Scripture (as Ecclesiates 1:5) states the world is center not the Sun. And Scripture being the word of God, could not be wrong