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To retain power

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Q: Why did the church want to be in control of educating the next generation of nobles?
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Otto i wanted to rid Germany of the control of nobles and asked the for help?

Roman Catholic Church

Why were nobles and church officials against the rise of towns?

The nobles and church officials were not against towns. The church was often the very center of the town and many towns were built near a keep or fortress for protection. It was a natural thing to happen.

In the feudal system both could own land?

nobles, the Church

The National Assembly took the vast landholdings of the?

Catholic Church and absentee emigre nobles.

Why were tyrants able to seize control from Greek to nobles?

the tyrants were able to seize power from the nobles because they had the help and support of the Greek farmers, merchants, and the artisans.

Related questions

Otto you wanted to rid Germany of the control of nobles and asked the for help?

Otto you wanted to rid Germany of the control of nobles and asked the who for help? FML Roman Catholic Church

Otto i wanted to rid Germany of the control of nobles and asked the for help?

Roman Catholic Church

How did conflicts between popes and emperors affect the Holy Roman Empire?

It affected the holy roman empire by German emperors tried to control the church officials, nobles and popes. In which revolved into conflicts when it was time to select certain church official, and monarchs.

The National Assembly took what action to control the Catholic church?

The National Assembly seized and held the lands of the church.

Who is above the peasants?

Nobles and the church

How did the nobles interact with the church?


How did Peter the Great deal with nobility and the church?

To deal with the nobility, Peter I reorganized the government, Nobles could only advance in the governement if they were loyal to Peter I. To make sure that the Russian Church did not control him, Peter I abolished the position of Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Why were nobles and church officials against the rise of towns?

The nobles and church officials were not against towns. The church was often the very center of the town and many towns were built near a keep or fortress for protection. It was a natural thing to happen.

What was the lay investiture?

The appointment of church officials by kings and nobles rather than by church officials apex

Why were nobles able to seize control from Greek nobles?

the tyrants were able to seize power from the nobles because they had the help and support of the Greek farmers, merchants, and the artisans.

In the feudal system both could own land?

nobles, the Church

To keep his power a noble had to be stronger than other nobles and?

win allies who would support him in times of need, maintain a strong standing army and control over valuable resources, and ensure the loyalty of his subjects through effective governance and administration.