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Various compromises were proposed prior to the War Between the States, and also during the war. Their failure was based on several factors:

* No one predicted that the war or as some say, the rebellion, would last four years. And worse of all, that over 620,000 soldiers would be killed;

* As proffered above, no one could have predicted the devastation the war would place on the Southern economy; ( by 1900, the South was only producing 75% of prewar economic output )

* Southern slave owners did not have the foresight to see that the British Empire had abolished slavery in 1833. $100 million was paid to slave owners as compensation. Thus, it was simply a matter of time before history would catch up on the United States;

* Southerns feared that their way of life would drastically change, thus compromise was a step towards that fear;

* The military necessity of Lincoln declaring the Emancipation Proclamation, would also become a political strategy, thus by 1863, it was too late for a compromise; and

* Both sides were simply just to stubborn to change their minds.

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12y ago

there were many compromises you have to be more specific but half of them didnt work because it kept getting uneven and if it was uneven then if the north voted about slavory they would win and slavory would be abolished and that was what the south was mainly conserned about was keeping there slaves

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Q: Why did the compromise fail to stop conflict between the north and south?
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