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Q: Why did the father call the holyman to treat the mother when he was a rationalist?
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Perhaps she uses better diction.

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Ask with respect and treat the mother or father with it. Do what you say, and day what you will do...and mean it

How did Beethoven mother treat him?

Beethoven's father was an alcoholic and often abused beethoven.

When was Treat Me Like Your Mother created?

Treat Me Like Your Mother was created in 2009-01.

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I will treat her as my own mother.

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What is part of speech of treat?

Treat can be a noun, as in, "Her mother promised her a treat if she was quiet during the class." It can also be a verb, as in, "After class, her mother treated her to an ice cream because she was quiet."

How do you treat your paretns in Hinduism?

As a Tamil Hindu,we are taught,Mata,Pita,Guru,Davom. Respect your mother as your first God , your father,Guru then God.If we can't respect our parents as our first gods that have created us ,then how can we respect out Guru who's duty is to take us back to our Divine Mother \Father.

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