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The American colonies were full of different religions, and many religious followers relocated to the Americas for religious freedom. Without the I Ammendment, the government would have been much like the European governments they fled from. The government could pass a law saying that religion is banned without it.

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13y ago

The Puritans originally came to America in order to practice their religion freely. Freedom did not exist in many of the colonies however, mostly RI. Many people were exiled from Massachusetts and many uprisings occurred. The founding fathers sought to unify the people ands end religious disputes by permitting the practice of all religions, or none if the individuals so choose to do so.

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11y ago

In England, their church was the Church of England, and you could not have freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is protected so that people could practice their own religion, whether it be Christianity, Islam, or no religion at all.

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9y ago

Because many of the delegates to the Constitutional convention have excluded the black slaves of their rights and only the rich white have the rights. In fact, many delegates wanted the blacks to be relocated outside the country and have their own place other than the United States.

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Q: Why did the founding father's feel they needed to ensure religious freedom in the 1st amendment?
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By including the freedom of religion in the First Amendment the founding fathers were promoting religion.?


By including the freedom of religion in the First Amendment, the founding fathers were promoting religion?

Actually, the founders included the freedom of religion in the First Amendment to ensure that the government would not establish a national religion and to protect the free exercise of religion for all individuals. They aimed to create a secular government that would not favor any particular faith, promoting religious freedom rather than any specific religion.

What did the founding fathers create to make religious freedom and toleration the law of the land?

The constitution

Why did the founding fathers feel they needed to ensure the religious freedom in the first amendment?

The American colonies were full of different religions, and many religious followers relocated to the Americas for religious freedom. Without the I Ammendment, the government would have been much like the European governments they fled from. The government could pass a law saying that religion is banned without it.

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they declared freedom from the British

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Our Founding fathers writing the Declaration of independence

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Religious freedom

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Religious freedom

How are you assured of religious freedom?

we are sure we have religious freedom because of the first amendment.

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Why are the founding fathers framers?

To seek freedom from harsh rulers in Europe. Especially when it comes to religion. The founding fathers made sure that when they founded this country, they gave people the right to freedom of religion.

What was the puritans and the massachussets purpose of founding massachussets?

Religious freedom