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The reason the founding fathers prohibited the title of nobility is a replusion for the English monarchy. Remember, they had just successfully became independent from England and King George was not exactly a celebrity.

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Q: Why did the founding fathers rule that congress cannot give title of nobility?
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Its political system cannot be easily changed.

What are the 10 things the founding fathers built into the constitution that the federal government cannot do but states can?

read the constitutions & you will know

What can't the congress do?

Congress cannot suspend the right of the Writ of Habeas Corpus unless it is a matter of public safety, it cannot pass ex posto facto laws, it cannot grant a title of nobility, and it cannot lay tax on items exported from and state. Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution lists prohibited behaviors for Congress in detail.

Who were the citizens that the founding fathers were protecting?

It would seem to be White, Adult, male landowners... -.-' One cannot get around the fact that racism and sexism were VERY evident.

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Because they had been endowed by the Creator and were self evident.

Does congress grant a title of nobility?

According to Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution... No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States; and no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

What is congresses limits?

congress cannot: -pass Ex Post Facto Laws -tax exports -favor the trade of a state -grant titles of nobility -withdraw money without a law -suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus

What Congressional powers are prohibited?

it does not hard if you use your brain:prohibited powers (tenth amendment).

What powers are denied to congress by the constitution?

congress cannot: # pass a law that turns an act into a crime after the act was committed # accept a title of nobility # suspend writ of habeas corpus(except under special circumstances) # pass a Bill of Attainder. which means they can't punish anyone or group without a trial # tax any goods exported from any state # neither the Senate or the House can adjourn or move location without the consent of the other. # and congress cannot vote themselves a pay raise during their term in office. =-)

What types of titles can the government not grant?

The government cannot grant titles of nobility.

A member of Congress cannot be arrested for speeding while going to a meeting of Congress.?


What powers did congress not have the power to do?

Congress cannot compel the President to testify.