

Why did the framers limit democracy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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They feared an overpowering democracy could be tyrannical.

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Q: Why did the framers limit democracy?
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What was NOT a reason why the Framers opposed direct democracy?

Framers opposed a direct democracy for many reasons. The most important reason is because they were afraid of the rule of a majority.

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No limit

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Government by the people. < ----correct novanet answer.

Did the framers favor the democracy or republic?

Pure democracy essentially means that majority opinion rules; the Framers feared that this would oppress the rights of minorities. So, they provided a framework for a republican form of government, consisting of elected representatives.

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The Founders universally opposed democracy--we are a Republic, not a Democracy, which means, by definition, that we have a representative form of government not a direct vote. Alexander Hamilton said that "democracy was the surest path to tyranny".

The Constitution and the principles of representative democracy helped dispel the framers' fear of a?

tyranny of the majority

What is the name given to the form of representative democracy created by the framers of the US constitution?

The founding fathers

The Framers of the Constitution understood democracy and republic to mean different things Which concept did the Framers favored democracy or republic?

The Framers knew the direct and pure form of democracy and they feared that the emotional decisions taken by the populace; which is called unrestricted Majority Rule; may violate the individual rights. Therefore they chose the republic form of government in which the people choose individuals to represent them and transform their will into rational and reasonable decisions. after many amendment in the US constitution the government became a democratic republic.. or what we can call "representative or liberal democracy".A republic as opposed to a pure democracy

What are the limits of democracy?

the limit of democracy is being ruled by the free males were citizens.

Did the framers of the Constitution created a system of a government based on the principles of direct democracy?

NO. The United States is a representative democracy and its Constitution gives no provisions for direct democracy.

The Framers of the Constitution preferred which political arrangement?

The political arrangement preferred by the Framers was that of a republic, rather than a pure democracy, for example. Thomas Jefferson was one of the framers of the US Constitution.