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Q: Why did the french people begin to panic in 1793 as the war intensified?
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As the world draws closer to Dec 21 2012 do you think people will begin to panic like they did with the y2k scare at the end of 1999?

If anyone believes in it, yea. Question is, will YOU panic?

What is a sudden episode of extreme anxiety that rapidly escalates in intensified by these symptoms pounding heart rapid breathing breathlessness?

That's commonly called a 'panic attack'.

How many people have panic disorders?

There is over 10.3 millon people in the world that have panic disorder

Can it help with panic attacks and agoraphobia?

In my personal opinion, "Panic Away" is the best program for most people who have panic attacks and general anxiety.

If Peaople in titanic didn't panic what would happened?

If people in titanic didn't panic what would happend

How do you use Financial Panic in a sentence?

Few people remember there was a Financial Panic i 1881, called a minor depression.The Financial Panic of 1929 began the Great Depression.During a financial panic, people run to remove their money from banks, which threatens the entire local and national economy.

Do people remember when they've had or were about to have panic attacks?

Yes, you do remember when you are abut to have a panic attack. You can also remember everything going on around you when you are having the panic attack.

What did the people do on the night on the titanic?

sleep or panic

What is the difference fear and panic?

stupid people are

What is the secret to stop panic attacks?

Its to not be afraid of a feeling. When this panic comes ... Face, accept, float, and let time pass. A book called "Self help for your Nerves" by dr Claire Weekes explains in detail why panic attacks begin and how to stop them and be free of them FOREVER.

How did world war two begin?

Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and caused panic in Europe.