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Adolf Hitler had a long standing prejudice with the Jewish people. Beginning with his life in Vienna, which was a hot spot for Jewish prejudice. What's interesting to note is that for a good part of his early life in Vienna he worked with Jewish people, and was even good friends with several.

To answer this question you have to look at a lot of different factors. First of all Hitler did not want to be drafted for the first World War while he was in Austria, so he fled to Munich, Germany. The Austrian government tracked him down and told him that if he didn't serve they would fine him and throw him in jail. The funny thing was that when he reported for his service he was deemed to frail, and small to be of any use; unfit for battle.

Hitler did eventually serve in WWI, with the distinction of having almost lost his life on several occasions. At this point in his life he was beginning to see Jews as, quite literally, the root of all evil. Most notably beginning when Jewish soldiers temporarily blinded him with Mustard Gas in battle. He was sent to the German Worker's Party, initially as a spy. The party's radical ideals mirrored Hitler's. He quickly moved up the ranks of the party, creating the Nazis, or the "brown shirts" (the main part of Nazi Germany's force). He ran to become leader of Germany against Hindenburg, he made a deal with Hindenburg: in exchange for his political support he would be made Chancellor.

He succeeded Hindenburg upon his death in 1934. He then moved to recreate the economy, re-militarize the German state (beginning with the armament of the citizen), once his armies were rebuilt from the ground up he began his persecution. At first beginning by closing Jewish shops, running them out of their homes, and general small scale hate-crimes. Eventually this gained momentum and turned into the tragedy of the Holocaust.

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11y ago

The killing of Jews can be seen as the natural result of the Nazi's racial policy, but this is of limited value considering comparable countries.

It started because people at the front (einsatzgruppen) wanted to show that they could be pro-active in following Nazi doctorine.

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10y ago

Are you kidding me?The Jews blinded him! The Jews did absulutely nothing. And if you think the Jews did something, read the book Prisinor by Alan Gratz. Everyone hates Jews for no apperent reason. One time when I was at school, kids bullied and teased me just because I was a Jew. And this happened multiple times to me. So all of you people out there saying Jews are evil and stupid.... STOP

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10y ago

well Hitler was kind of a insane man who blamed the Jews for all of Germany's problems. since Germans knew the power Hitler had they had to agree so they helped him carry out his plans of completely destroying them for no apparent reason. he Killed and tortured 6 million jews and many others but mostly jews.

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Adolf Hitler. His actions resulted in World War II.

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Hitler absoluetly hated the Jews, and tried to exterminate them, by gassing and brutally killing them.

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Hitler was the one mainly responsible for the killing of the Jews, but he was not the sole responsibility as all the people who supported him and carried out the killing tasks Hitler set them also shares some of the responsibility.

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I think that Hitler's major event was the killing of the Jews.

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Yes, during WW2 Hitler started killing Jews, since he believed/reasoned that Jews were the reason why Germany lost WW1.

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he never did

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