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Q: Why did the metis consider themselves as a nation?
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They were not one of the First Nations people. The First Nations were Saulteaux, Ojibwe, and Cree. Metis were said to be of French and First Nation. But no one has ever stated what tribe did the Metis Riel identify wit.

Where did the people of metis' immigrate from?

the metis people themselves didn't immigrate to north America from anywhere. they are the children of both European and aboriginal couples. metis people first "came" during the fur trade. hope that helps!

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Well, they didnt believe themselves to be superior, it was the other countries that thought this, mainly because of their highly advanced tehnology.

How did the metis respond to this threat to their identity?

They Struggle with there identity Because the First Nations don't believe Metis came to b,First of all,A white (caucasian) Raped the First Nation and,The First Nations didn't want to be known as "rapists" so now they deny Metis.

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Why do the people of Congo not think of themselves as one nation

How did Louis riel fight metis?

Louis Riel didnt fight metis people, he was a metis, he was fighting FOR the metis

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of course! Generally sub-Saharan Africans consider themselves Africans....

What rights did Louis riel fight for?

Louis Riel fought for the Metis rights

Was Louis Riel a Metis?

Yes he was. His mother was French Canadian and his father was Metis. That would make him Metis

What is the definition of metis?

Metis refers to a person of mixed Indigenous and European heritage, particularly in Canada. The term is also used to describe a distinct cultural group that emerged from the blending of Indigenous and European traditions, often associated with the Métis Nation, a recognized Indigenous group in Canada.

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What is METIS