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Q: Why did the slaves had a difficult social life in Aztec society?
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What are the social classes in the Aztecs?

The Aztec society had three main social classes: nobles, commoners, and slaves. Nobles held power and privilege, commoners made up the majority of the population and included artisans, farmers, and merchants, while slaves were generally prisoners of war or individuals who had fallen into debt. Social mobility was limited, with individuals typically remaining within the class they were born into.

How was life similar for peasants and slaves in Aztec society?

Both peasants and slaves in Aztec society had limited rights and freedoms, such as not owning property or being able to move freely. Additionally, both groups were expected to provide labor for the benefit of the ruling classes, whether through agricultural work or serving in households or temples. Both peasants and slaves were socially marginalized and had little opportunity for social mobility.

What was the Aztec social classes?

The Aztec society had a hierarchical structure with four main social classes: Nobles (pipiltin), commoners (macehualtin), serfs and slaves. The nobles held the highest positions of power and wealth, while commoners made up the majority of the population and were farmers, artisans, or soldiers. Serfs were indentured workers tied to the land, and slaves were at the lowest rung of society with no rights.

How could you move up in Aztec society?

how could you move up in Aztec society

What was the middle class in the Aztec society?

In Aztec society, the middle class was made up of merchants, artisans, and skilled workers. They had more wealth and property than the lower class but less power and influence than the elite ruling class. The middle class played a significant role in the economic and social life of the Aztec empire.

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the slaves

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They were called the "Mayeque". They were the slaves. The lowest on the social scale.

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Emperor, Nobility and Priests were the major classes of Aztec society.

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What are the social classes in the Aztecs?

The Aztec society had three main social classes: nobles, commoners, and slaves. Nobles held power and privilege, commoners made up the majority of the population and included artisans, farmers, and merchants, while slaves were generally prisoners of war or individuals who had fallen into debt. Social mobility was limited, with individuals typically remaining within the class they were born into.

Explain the Aztec caste system and its role in the Aztec society?

From the bottom to the top: Slaves, Commoners, Nobles, Emperor. The slaves held the majority however.

How was life for peasants and slaves in Aztec society?

Both peasants and slaves worked as servants for the upper classes.

What were the four basic classes of aztec society?

Kings, Nobles,Merchants slaves

How was life similar for peasants and slaves in Aztec society?

Both peasants and slaves in Aztec society had limited rights and freedoms, such as not owning property or being able to move freely. Additionally, both groups were expected to provide labor for the benefit of the ruling classes, whether through agricultural work or serving in households or temples. Both peasants and slaves were socially marginalized and had little opportunity for social mobility.

How did the Merchants fit into the social structure of the Aztec society?

They had it that's how