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Q: Why did the south depend on slavery?
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What did the economy of the south depend on?

The Economy of the South depended on slavery.

What did the south's economy depend on slavery?


Did the south's economy depend on slavery?

Yes, that was how they made all their money.

What has attracted many companies to the south in the past 40 years?

The answer will depend on the south of WHAT!The answer will depend on the south of WHAT!The answer will depend on the south of WHAT!The answer will depend on the south of WHAT!

Was the south for or against slavery?

The south was against slavery.

Southern dependence on slavery and an agricultural economy resulted in what?

Generally speaking, the slavery in the South and its agrarian economy led to its downfall. The North had good farmland and did not depend on slave labor.

Why was the south against slavery?

Actually the NORTH was against slavery, and the SOUTH wanted slavery.

Was slavery good for the south?

yes slavery was good for the south

Did the south favor or oppose slavery?

The South favoured slavery

What generalization can you make about the abolition of slavery in the south?

They did not want slavery in the south they wanted to be apart of slavery.

Why the South's economy depend on slavery?

Being a state that was basically run off agriculture and farming, the south were very dependant on its labour, for if there was no labour there would be no money and if there was no money there was no economy. Slavery played a massive role (well realistically the only role) in the southern economy.

Did the north or the south have slavery?

Both had slavery, the south just had it for longer.