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because patterns of plantation production of cash crops produced by coercive labor emerged there.

in that sentence, 'cash crops' is the key word i guess :)

i you! :)

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Q: Why did the southern colonies of the Atlantic seaboard win importance before those farther north?
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What were the oceans for in the southern colonies?

it was the Atlantic ocean

Which colonies border between the middle Atlantic colonies and the southern colonies?

Colonial Virginia and colonial Maryland which are "Southern Colonies" can also be categorized as the "Chesapeake Colonies".

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Its either The chesapeake colonies New England colonies mid atlantic colonies southern colonies HELP WHICH ONE?

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The atlantic Ocean

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don't know, if ur looking for middle Atlantic colonies nickname its the breadbasket colonies

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Between the atlantic coastal plainer the piedmont.the piedmont stretches across the middle colonies and part of the southern colonies

Which English relied most heavily on shipping and shipbuilding?

Its either The chesapeake colonies New England colonies mid atlantic colonies southern colonies HELP WHICH ONE?

What were the four different colonial regions in the 1700s?

New England colonies, middle colonies, southern colonies and backcountry

What were the different colonial regions in the 1700s?

If you're referring only to British colonies, then there were only three. The New England Colonies, the Middle or Mid-Atlantic colonies, and the Southern Colonies.

What group of the colonies had the best soil for growing crops?

Southern and mid Atlantic

Which body of water played an important role in the economy of the southern colonies?

The Atlantic Ocean played a major role in the economy of the souther colonies. The southern colonies made large profits exporting good such as tobacco, indigo and rice.

What are the resources that the southern colonies had?

They had rivers, the Atlantic Ocean, trees, good soil, and other stuff. :0)