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Q: Why did the soviet and Warsaw Pacts invade Czechoslovakia?
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Why was the soviet union able to control and invade so many eastern European countries during the cold war?

They didn't exactly invade those countries. Most of it was done through trade agreements and defense pacts.

What event led Directly to the formation of the Warsaw pacts?

West Germany joined NATO

Warsaw pacts significance to the cold war?

yes I would say the union of communist countries was very significant to the cold war.

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The United States and Soviet Union made disarmament pacts in an attempt to limit the number of missiles in their arsenal.

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SIx Pacts

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Prerevolution name of country that signed pact with Germany in 1939?

Prewar nonaggression pacts were signed with German and many countries such as France, Belgium, Russia, Luxembourg, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Finland, Denmark, The Netherlands and possibly some Eastern European nations. They were all a joke as far as Hitler was concerned. He had already planned to invade all those nations before they even signed those pacts.

What were the causes of the Warsaw pact?

The Warsaw Treaty is the informal name for the mutual defense Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance commonly known as the Warsaw Pact subscribed by eight communist states in Eastern Europe, which was established at the USSR's initiative and realised on 14 May 1955, in Warsaw, Poland. In the Communist Bloc, the treaty was the military analogue of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CoMEcon), the Communist (East) European economic community. The Warsaw Treaty was the Soviet Bloc's military response to West Germany's May 1955[1] integration to NATO Pact, per the Paris Pacts of 1954

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263 civil solidarity pacts ("PACs") were registered in Guadeloupe during 2009.

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163 civil solidarity pacts ("PACs") were registered in Martinique during 2009.

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850 civil solidarity pacts ("PACs") were registered in Reunion during 2009.

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