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Q: Why did the wright brothers use scale models?
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the wright brothers used ballsuel wood

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What main items did the wright brothers use in their first airplane?

The Wright brothers used spruce to make their frame and stretched muslin over it for the covering.

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The Wright Brothers studied the flight of birds in order to understand how they fly and then applied what they learned to airplane designs.

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Do you still use the wright brothers planes?

no now its not useing

What did the wright brothers use to test their theory of flight?

A Balloon

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What did the wright brothers use to get their glider of the ground?

The Wright brothers rode their first glider off a hill. I assume you actually meant their wright flyer. For that, they used a twelve horse-power engine of their own making.

What did th Wright brothers use to make their airplane?

Wood, cloth, steel.

Where can I see a picture of the plane flown by the Wright brothers? And please use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation next time.