

Why did towns develop?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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Q: Why did towns develop?
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How did towns develop?

They create the name of the town.

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because your mom has a dick

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Which 2 towns did Berlin Berlin develop from?

Kölln and Berlin

Why did towns often develop near oasis's?

towns naturally develop there in the desert cause there is very little water and that's why they plant crops for food and water and other things..............:).. 8)

Why do towns often develop near oases?

An oasis usually has a reliable permanent water source for domestic use as well as some farming.

What must a society have before they can develop towns and cities?

a writing system

Why did towns develop by Rivers?

i don`t know cuz i dumb

How did cow towns develop?

Cow towns developed by cattle drivers going through the cow towns. This became a yearly event and soon became an important rail station.

What had to happen in order for the towns to develop during the middle ages?

Fuedalism had to end

Why do towns developing lead to the governments forming?

As towns develop, the number of people in an area rises and so a government is formed to control the masses.