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The Whigs supported an American victory in the revolutionary war because they feared that if George III triumphed, his rule at home might become tyrannical.

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Q: Why did whigs in Britain hope for an American victory in the war for independence?
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Did the whigs want independence or the tories?

The Whigs generally supported independence during the American Revolutionary War, while the Tories were more likely to support remaining loyal to the British crown.

The difference between Whigs and Tories?

The Whigs wanted independence from Britain while the Tories didn't think independence was necessary. The Tories (or Loyalists) didn't want to have to worry about fending for themselves. They weren't ready for independence.

American RevolutionAmerican colonists who desired independence from Great Britain were called Whigs while those wanting to stay united with Britain were called?

{| |- | They were referred to as Torys. Many of them moved to Canada in order to stay with the British Crown. Some stayed in the colonies believing that the British would win the war. |}

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Can you say "Spell check" ? -Were -People Oooh geeze! There is -Revolutionaries -Whigs -Loyalists and Patriots ~Me!

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The Black Solder's name was Austin Dabney. The Battle of Kettle Creek was the first victory of the Whigs in the American Revolution

Why were the whigs called the whigs?

During the American Revolutionary War, The Americans called the colonists on the American side Whigs and those on the British side Tories. The English term used for those on the British side is Loyalists. Many American books are now going over to the terms Patriots and Loyalists. (The terms Whigs and Tories were borrowed from England. The Tories supported the King. The Whigs supported Parliament. Only, in the United States, the Whigs supported the Continental Congress.)

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Are the whigs and the republicans one in the same party?

No. The Whigs are, or were, the forerunners of the Liberal Party in Britain. They opposed the Tories, Conservatives. Republicans in Britain tend to be in favour of Home Rule for their part of the country: Anti Monarchist, pro devolution.

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The term by which the American Patriots were commonly known to distinguish them from the American Tories?

the Whigs

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They were called "Conscience Whigs".