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In those times, black people were slaves of white people. They were not really considered people, instead they were more like property which could be used and sold.

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Q: Why did whites NOT like African Aamericans during the 1800s?
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African Americans were not allowed to attend school in the 1800s because of their skin color.

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The clothing came to America in the 1800s during slavery. The Africans tried to hold onto a their traditions as best as they could during slavery.

Was it hard for African Americans to learn to read and write in the 1800s?

In general, it was illegal to teach a slave to read/write. For free African-Americans, there were practical barriers such as time and money. Keep in mind that for most of the 19th Century literacy among whites was also relatively low.

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Most free African Americans in the south during the 1800s found work not very different from slave work, such as being a laborer.

What groups of people began moving to the cities in the late 1800s?

African Americans

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Did freed African Americans own slaves in the 1800s?

Well, your mom had quite a few slaves back in the day