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Q: Why did women not get the right to vote after the civil war why did they have to wait until 1920?
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Could women vote during the civil war?

NO. American women did not get the vote until the 1920's.

Who gains civil rights in the US after blacks?

Women were given the right to vote in 1920.

Was the right to vote for women before the civil war?

No, voting rights for women came in 1920, about 60 years after the Civil War (1861-1865).

Why does women are not allow to vote in others country?

It is a matter of civil rights. Often women are not given the right to vote or other rights in the country. They are treated as second class citizens. In the United States women didn't gain the right to vote until 1920.

How was it diffuct for women to vote during the civil war?

Women didn't have the right to vote until 1920 and the passage of the 19 amendment, so no woman could vote in the 1860's.

In US when did women get right to vote?

Congress passed a bill granting women the right to vote in 1919, however; it was not ratified until 1920.

When women get the right to vote in the US?

Congress passed a bill granting women the right to vote in 1919, however; it was not ratified until 1920.

Could women vote in the southern colonies?

No. Women didn’t have the right to vote until 1920. This was well past the colonial period.

How did women get the right to vote in all state and national elections?


Why were women angry about the Fifteenth Amendment?

Because it ignored women's rights in favour of blacks'.A number of women were angry because they were still disenfranchised despite their assistance in the Civil War.

What year were black women allowed to vote in the U.S.?

Blacks were given the right to vote in 1870, but women were not given the right to vote until 1920. So 1920 is the first time a black woman would have been allowed to voteYou make it sound just black women werent allowed to vote until 1920, not entirely correct; ALL WOMEN of every race were NOT allowed to vote until 1920 thanks to the Suffragettes.(2x+1)+(3x-5)+4

What is the significance of the 19 amendment?

It gave American women the right to vote in elections.