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Q: Why did you apply heat to fix the bacterial cell to the slide but not to the animal cells before staining?
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After. If you waterproof before staining, the stain won't make it to the wood to stain it.

Is it true that granite counter tops are prone to staining?

Granite countertops can be very appealing and high quality. They are easily damage and can be prone to staining. Yes it is true that granite countertops are more proned to staining. You can apply a sealant to your countertops to help prevent stains and damage.

What is the importance of heat fixing the slide before staining?

You heat fix a slide by passing it through a blue flame a couple of times (with th cells facing up). you do this to denature any enzymes that might lyse the cells or interfere with the staining procedure. you also use it kill the organism and to adhere the organism to the slide for staining

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Use a roller or staining pad to apply the oil or water-based semi-transparent stain. Go in the direction of the grain and do not allow the stain to puddle.

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Yes, pressure treated wood is made to withstand weather without being coated, so there will be no problem waiting to apply a stain. Once you are ready, be sure to clean the wood, then allow the wood to dry before applying any stain or coating.

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Do you use a sanding sealer before staining?

absolutely not. if you use a sanding sealer before you stain, then there isn't any wood fibers for the stain to absorb into. that will leave you with a smeary stained surface. apply stain the sanding sealer to seal in the stain and prevent it from bleeding to the final finish.