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A guess would be that it had nothing to do with the vaccinations and, instead, was coincidental. Diarrhea would be an uncommon side effect of those vaccinations.

Side effects from vaccinations would also ordinarily occur immediately after the inoculation, rather than after such a long time period as two weeks. Since many viral infections take a week to ten days or more to start symptoms, perhaps you were exposed to a virus that caused viral gastroenteritis ("stomach flu") while in the public location where the injection was administered. That may have been from another patient or other source, and would be much more likely.

Always keep in mind when in public places, that you should wash your hands frequently to avoid picking up viruses, especially if you are in places where people with infections may frequently be, such as a doctor's office, pharmacy or clinic, etc....these are just the types of places where flu shots are given.

Remember during cold and flu season to wash your hands often. See the related questions below for more information on protecting yourself and others from viruses and flu.

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Q: Why did you get diarrhea and nausea two weeks after flu shot and pneumonia vac?
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How long does it take to get over a reaction from pneumonia shot?

The vaccine usually takes effect in two weeks.

How often should you have pneumonia shot?

How often do I have to take a pneumonia shot .

Can a tetanus shot cause nausea?

Yes, nausea is one of the symptoms of a tetanus shot. You may also have flu like symptoms and that is also from the shot.

Why take the pneumonia shot?

cuz ur a nob

You had a pneumonia shot yesterday now it is swollen and red around your arm and red down your shoulder?

my arm is so sore and hurt all night from the pneumonia shot. It is swollen .

How often do you need to administer the pneumonia vaccine?

My doctor told me to get the pneumonia vaccine shot every 5 years.

Is redness and swelling of the arm after a pneumonia shot an allergic reaction or a normal side effect?

Normal side effects of the pneumonia shot is swelling and soreness at the area the shot was given. If you have concerns about an allergic reaction, you should consult your physician!

Can flu shot and pneumonia shot be taken at same time?

I did and had no problems, plus, I had 3 others with those.

How do you protect from pneumonia?

One of the best ways to protect yourself from Pneumonia is to get a flu shot since the flu is a common cause of Pneumonia. Another way to try to protect yourself from Pneuumonia is to get vaccinated for Pneumococcal Pneumonia.

Does steroid shot cause headaches and diarrhea?

It's a possibility.

Could the pneumonia shot cause tooth and gum pain?

There's really no such thing as a pneumonia shot. Flu shot - maybe? Any type of vaccine or medicine could have side effects so it's worth mentioning to your health care provider if they persist.

Where does the pneumonia shot go in?

im going just now please help fast