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Q: Why didn't Ponyboy get home till 200 in the morning that night?
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What time does ponyboy get home in the outsiders?

2 in the morning, because he fell asleep in the lot with Johnny.

What did ponyboy do his first morning back home?

he took a shower

What did ponyboy do on his first morning back home?

he took a shower

Why does Darry strike Ponyboy in chapter 3?

Darry slapped Ponyboy during an arguement. Ponyboy had fallen asleep in the vacant lot with Johnny and hadn't gotten home until 2 AM. Soda tried to stick up for Ponyboy and Darry yelled at Soda. When Ponyboy raised his voice to his oldest brother, Darry hit him. Darry was not really angry at Pony...he was just scared that something had happened to him and was upset that Pony had done something as careless as fall asleep in the lot.

Why is darry angry when ponyboy returns home and how does he express his anger?

He is mad because ponyboy came home at 2 am. when he is to be home at 12 am. He expresses hos angry by slapping him. Then ponyboy left and tryed to ran away from home with johnny. He decided not to and went home.

What was Ponyboy's dream about?

darry at home

How does Ponyboy get home from the hospital?

a stanger

What happens to ponyboy on his way home from the movies?

Ponyboy gets jumped by the Socs and they threaten to kill him.

Which soc stopped by to visit Ponyboy while he was home recovering?

The soc that stopped by to visit Ponyboy while he was recovering at home was Randy Adderson.

Why were Ponyboy and sodapop getting put into a home?


Why does ponyboy wish he had company on the way home from the movie house?

Ponyboy wishes had had company on the way home from the movie house because of Socs. They jumped him on the way home, and he had no help.

What did Bella do when she got home from the movies?

she waited by the phone for Jacob to call her but he didnt cuz that night he made his first werewolf tranformation