

Why didn't president Reagan claim executive privilege?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why didn't president Reagan claim executive privilege?
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US President Nixon expanded the President Eisenhower claim of almost total unchecked privilege for the executive branch. Not only that, Nixon, if possible, made for the White House, almost an absolute privilege system. He was also giving the White House staff expanded powers as well. Yes, there can be a debate as to whether President Lyndon Johnson really was the intermediary between Eisenhower and Nixon.

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Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to claim the leadership role for the executive branch. The President heads the executive branch of the government.

What US president's policies on extended executive powers did President Nixon expand upon?

US President Nixon expanded the President Eisenhower claim of almost total unchecked privilege for the executive branch. Not only that, Nixon, if possible, made for the White House, almost an absolute privilege system. He was also giving the White House staff expanded powers as well. Yes, there can be a debate as to whether President Lyndon Johnson really was the intermediary between Eisenhower and Nixon.

What was the dissenting opinion on us vs Nixon?

There were no dissenting opinions because the case ruled against Nixon 8-0. The concurring opinion was a collective agreement between all justices in that the tapes held criminal conduct between the President and his men as well as that Nixon's claim to absolute executive privilege was wrong. Executive privilege is a right to the president; however, it is not absolute and can be checked by the Congress or Supreme Court.

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Nixon claim this power so he did not have to give up the tapes?

The power that Richard Nixon invoked to resist the order to turn over White House recordings regarding the Watergate cover up was executive privilege. This is a power claimed by the President of the United States and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other orders by the legislative and judicial branches of government

The first President to claim a leadership role for executive branch in lawmaking by proposing innovative social programs was?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Both President and Vice President are part of the executive branch. The Vice-President's peculiar power to cast a tie-breaking vote in the US Senate led to then Vice-President Cheney to claim that the Vice President was NOT a member of the Executive Branch in a dispute over records requirements with the National Archives. The truth of the matter is that the Office of the Vice President is one of the most ill-defined and poorly thought-out positions in the US government (and, frankly in the Constitution, where it is treated with a bare 2 sentences)

Why do they claim at the Regan Museum that Ronald Reagan had 3 wives -the first one dying and then Jane Wyman and then Nancy Reagan?

I've never heard of that and I work at his library.

What tiny Caribbean island did Reagan claim?

President Reagan did not claim any Caribbean island although he did authorize a military intervention in Grenada. On October 25, 1983, combined forces from the United States and from the Regional Security System (RSS) based in Barbados invaded Grenada in an operation codenamed Operation Urgent Fury. The U.S. stated this was done at the behest of Prime Minister Eugenia Charles of Dominica.Grenada remains an independent nation as of 2013.

How does the supreme court's ability to delegate tasks compare with those of the other branches?

It corresponds with the checks and balances ie: executive branch has the president who can veto laws, and the legislative branch that can claim a law unconstitutional.