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Q: Why digestion of stomach need hcl?
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WHAT IS THE PROCESS OF HCL works in human stomach?


Secretions from the stomach promote the digestion of what?

If you mean what is stomach acid in chemical terms? HCL.

Is hydrochloric acid stomach acid?

Yes, the stomach contain hydrochloric acid (HCl) - as an aid for digestion.

What are the main part in the?

the main parts of the digestion are the intestine,stomach,liver,hcl,

What are the major body parts of chemical digestion?

the major part of the chemical digestion is the HCL (hydro chloric acid)

HCl is important in digestion?

HCl or hydrochloric acid is important in digestion.

In the stomach HCl splits the peptide bonds between amino acids starting the process of protein digestion?


What enzyme begins the breakdown of protein?

HCL (hydrochloric acid) begins digestion in stomach.

Which acids are produced in the stomach and why?

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid as a primary aid to digestion.

What would be happen if HCL were not secreted in stomach?

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by the glands present on the stomach walls. It dissolves bits of food and creates an acidic medium. The acidic medium allows pepsinogen to be converted into pepsin. Pepsin plays an important role in the digestion of proteins. Therefore, if HCl were not secreted in the stomach, then pepsin would not be activated. This would affect protein digestion. A pH of about 1.8 is necessary for proteins to be digested. This pH is achieved by HCl.

What would happen if you had no stomach?

Food will miss a very important part of digestion. Persons with part stomach needs additional pepsin or Hcl substitutes. With full rejection of stomach, its so difficult

Where does the chemical digestion of proteins begins?

Chemical digestion of proteins begin in the stomach.In the stomach.The digestion of proteins begin at the stomach.The stomach. There are recesses in the wall of the stomach called pits. These pits produces pepsinogen and HCl as well are protective mucous. Pepsinogen is the zymogen (inactive form) of pepsin the enxyme which breaks down protein. It is cleaved form the zymogen form into the active form in very low pH situations, this is why HCl is secreted here.MouthChemical digestion of protein starts in the stomach.It would begin in the stomach. It would occur by the action of an enzyme called pepsin.In the stomach