

Why do Asians Smell tangy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Asians don't smell tangy it could just be because that you have a weird smell.

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Well, it depends on what you mean by sea-smell. If you mean the smell of the sea, then that would be hard to describe. It's a tangy sort of smell, similar to salty water. Just imagine water with salt, rotten seaweed, and the occasional dead animal stink in it.

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Asians are the least smelliest race. There are however some exceptions. Scientists have proven that Asians have the least armpit pores compared to all other races. Asians are also the LEAST hairy which does not attract bacteria that easily compared to other races such as whites, blacks, etc. Asians also have dry ear wax which is odorless compared to whites and blacks who have soggy wet ear waxes. Asians are most likely to smell bad AFTER whites, blacks, and latinos smell bad. Even with all these traits asians still do tend to smell bad because 1) They are not into American culture as in "Swag" so they dont tend to put on men's perfume. 2) There are not many asian specific deoderants.

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The tangy flavor of fresh lemon juice added a zesty kick to the salad. She savored the tangy taste of the spicy salsa on her tortilla chips. The tangy aroma of the fermented kimchi filled the kitchen as it fermented.

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Yes, apricot is tangy - it has a strong, tart flavor.

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Laurent Tangy goes by Renzo.

What is tangy in Tagalog?

Tangy can be translated to "maasim" in Tagalog.

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There are about 110 calories in 5 pieces of Tangy Zangy.

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Sweet and spicy is derived from the term "tangy". To properly describe a "tangy" taste, you wouldn't consider too much spicy flavor.

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like little asians but whiter and with no eye problem. and they always wear flowers and smell like salt and pinapple.