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The Catholic Church has never thought that homosexuals are sins. Every human being is a child of God, and can never be considered a "sin". However, the Church teaches that homosexual behavior is a sin, but that is because people are using their free will to choose to pervert their God-given sexuality and use it for something for which it was not intended. Homosexuals, every bit as much as heterosexuals, are called to live in chastity for the Kingdom. Anytime we pervert our sexuality to use it for our own pleasure, and not in the way that God intended it, we are sinning, but that does NOT make people "sins."

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Q: Why do Catholics think that homosexuals are sins?
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No, christians also confess their sins to the one and only true god, the god of Abraham and Jacob. Hope you enjoy ;-)

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.Catholic AnswerAt the age of reason, usually consider around eight.

Why do you have to Catholics confess their sins?

just cuz. idk y. but that's just part of being a catholic.