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This is an example of the religious confusion extant in the world regarding what God's Word says... and what unconverted men think it says. The so-called "Christian" religion that this world recognizes is the "false Christianity" that Jesus warns His servants to be aware of:

"…His disciples came to Him privately and asked, '…will there be any sign ahead of time to signal your return and the end of the world [age]?' Jesus told them [the very first thing in His lengthy chronological list to watch out for], 'DON'T LET ANYONE MISLEAD YOU. For MANY WILL COME IN MY NAME, saying, 'I AM the Messiah.' THEY WILL LEAD MANY ASTRAY…'" (Matt.24:4-5 NLT New Living Translation)

Jesus' statement can be taken two ways: first, that many individuals will come "claiming to BE the Messiah!" or that many groups or organizations [in the case of what has actually happened in the world; literally hundreds of denominations] will come "professing that Jesus is the Christ!"

As history bears out… not that MANY individuals have come in the world professing to BE the Messiah. And those few who have come forward with such a Messiah complex haven't fooled that MANY people.

The hundreds of modern professing "Christian" denominations in the world today, on the other hand, each one insisting that "their Jesus" is better than everyone else's; certainly involves the MANY of which Jesus warns. Literally, MILLIONS!

How MANY of the millions of individual members of these hundreds of Jesus-professing denominations have actually "read God's Word" and "studied God's Word" to know what the Scriptures actually do say?

Answer: Not that MANY!

Take the issue in question. Where in God's Word do the Scriptures say, "Go to church on Sunday"? Or "Go to church"? Or even mention a day of the week called, "Sunday"? Or "Keep Sunday as the New Sabbath day, and forget about Saturday"? Or "Celebrate My Son's resurrection every Sunday, and forget about the Sabbath"?

Answer: The Bible says NONE OF THOSE THINGS... and commands no one to act in this regard. The Truth is [the Bible is Truth - John 17:17] that God never abrogated or changed His Sabbath day to any other day but the SEVENTH DAY of the week. Because the "LORD's Sabbath" [not my Sabbath, or your Sabbath, or the Jew's Sabbath, or anyone else's Sabbath] is NOT TO BE CELEBRATED! It's to be REMEMBERED!

There's no Scripture that says, "Go to church on the Sabbath day"… or "Go to church on Sunday" or "Go to church…" at all! The lengthy Commandment simply reads:

"REMEMBER the Sabbath day, to KEEP IN HOLY. Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work: but the seventh day is THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for IN SIX DAYS THE LORD MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH, THE SEA, AND ALL THAT IN THEM IS, and rested on the seventh day: wherefore the LORD BLESSED THE SABBATH DAY, and HALLOWED IT." (Ex.20:8-11 KJV)

God's Word gives no commandment regarding "Sunday" at all. God "numbers" all the days of the week, except for the SEVENTH DAY… and He calls it THE SABBATH! All the other SIX DAYS OF THE WEEK are WORK DAYS [in accordance with the 4th Commandment].

In other words… the LORD's Sabbath is the seventh day of God's Divinely-inspired repetitive seven-day week intended FOR MAN TO REMEMBER CREATION throughout all of his generations! It's for man to remember that he was CREATED by his CREATOR, Jesus Christ [the WORD of God who MADE ALL THINGS - see John 1:3].

It's God's reminder "NOT TO FORGET HIM!" And not to forget who we are… why we are… and where we're going. Nowhere does God command His servants to "remember His Son's resurrection on Sunday" [especially since Jesus rose from the grave the DAY BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK… on the LORD's SABBATH DAY just before sun down, the exact time of day that He died three days and three nights previously! When the women got to the tomb, it was already empty… Jesus was already RISEN; past tense].

God commands His servants to REMEMBER HIS SON's DEATH! "…THIS DO in REMEMBRANCE OF ME!" [Luke 22:19]

This brief study goes deeply into Scripture…too deeply and lengthy for this medium. But the answer to the question becomes more evident as the Scriptures are consulted:

"Christianity celebrates Sunday instead of the LORD's Sabbath" because "it has been led astray" by the perverse, twisted god of this world whom mankind chose to worship in the beginning instead of his Creator - whom he FORGOT TO REMEMBER!

Modern professing "Christianity" is a "false religion" in the world that professes Jesus' name [believes in Jesus] while it "doesn't believe a Word He says." [see John 8:30 to the end of the chapter for an example of how people can "believe" in Jesus… yet HATE every Word He says].

The god of this world has coerced mankind to FORGET ITS CREATOR by FORGETTING THE LORD's SABBATH DAY! Subsequently… forgetful mankind teaches "evolution" - creation WITHOUT A CREATOR.

For the Sabbath of the LORD "remembers creation and its Creator." Sunday observance "remembers NOTHING!" Because if God "rested from day one"… then NO CREATION EVER TOOK PLACE. And there is no God or creation.

An apostate "Christianity" believes on Jesus' name… but doesn't believe a Word He says:

"'Why do you not understand My speech? Even because YE CANNOT HEAR MY WORD. Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode NOT IN THE TRUTH [the Word of God - John 17:17], because THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. When he speaketh a LIE, he speaketh of his own: for HE IS A LIAR, and the FATHER [originator] OF IT. And because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, ye BELIEVE ME NOT.'" (John 8:43-45)

Modern professing "Christianity" is Jesus' first warning to His servants come to fruition. Beware of "false religions professing His name" leading people astray from God's Truth. That's why the vast majority of modern professing Christianity "celebrates Sunday"… instead of REMEMBERING the LORD's Sabbath as His Word, the Truth, commands us.

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Sunday IS the Sabbath in this case. If I understand correctly, "Sabbath" simply refers to the day of rest. For some, this is Saturday, for others it's Sunday, for yet others, Friday. Check Wiktionary, for "Sabbath".Please note that not all Christians celebrate the same day. Some Christians (a minority, overall) celebrates the Saturday, rather than the Sunday.

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When do C hristians celebrate the sabbath?

On SundayAnswer:The Sabbath (Saturday) is not celebrated by Christians. Instead they celebrate the following day (Sunday) as it is the day that their founder Jesus rose from the dead. Keeping the Sabbath is a Jewish tradition based on the covenant they have with their god and is specified as a day of rest in the 10 Commandments. Muslims, the third Abrahamic faith, use Friday as the day of rest.

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