

Why do Germans speak German?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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11y ago

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Because their parents spoke german with them.

Actually, it's a mystery to linguist where the indogerman dialect evolved. All that is known, is that somehow, several thousand years ago, people from the south migrated to the area that's now known as Germany an brough their language with them.

In a way this is a circular question. The definition of a German is somebody who speaks German. If the didn't speak German they wouldn't be Germans!

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15y ago

German is an important language in commerce and industry.

Also there are more German speaking people in Europe, than French or English speaking.

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They speak German because it's the native language of Germany.

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Because I'm German

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Germans speak the German language because it is their native language, passed down through generations. The German language originated from the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family and has evolved over time to become the official language of Germany.

What languages do Germans know?

Most modern-day metropolitan Germans speak German, of course, and more and more of them speak quite passable English - the younger they are, the more English they speak, and the better they speak it. Most also at least understand what is called "Swiss German" even if they can't speak it fluently, and much the same can be said of Dutch - they may not speak it, but they can usually get the drift of what is being said.