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From 1967-1974 Greece was run by military junta. This junta was right wing, and hell bent on suppressing any left (communist) tendencies in Greek society. For this reason, America supported the junta, and Nixon's Vice President Spiros Anaganostopolous (Spiro Agnew) praised the junta as "the best thing to happen to Greece since Pericles ruled in ancient Athens".

Fall of junta begun on nov 14th, 1973 when students of Polytechnic started a protest, which was small at first, but grew into anti-government protest very quickly, and then was "squashed" on nov 17th as junta sent tanks in to run the students over. Many kids were killed, and government fell only months later, making deaths even more meaningless and unnecessary.

Nov 17th was made into national holiday, which doubles as remembrance for the dead Polytechnic students, and a march against America for the role they played. What prevented the feeling from subsiding over time, is American foreign policy which consists of them doing similar things to different nations all over the world. Also, American presidents, have history of visiting Greece very close to nov 17, just aggravating the wound.

Clinton visited Greece on nov 20th, 1999, just months after bombing Serbia for no real reason at all, where Greece and Serbia have historically good relationship and intertwined history, so for this reason, Clinton was met with people shouting "murderer" at him. He apologized to Greeks for what America has done to them, but since they kept doing the same thing, it didn't help the matters much.

Obama visited Greece on nov 15th 2016, and this too was taken as direct provocation. He was met with violent protests, called a fascist and so on. Other reasons for dislike of Obama are his participation in creation of ISIS, which in turn created refugee crisis, which rest of Europe ignores, and Greeks are left to deal with enormous number of them, alone. Greeks can hardly feed them selves as it is, let alone feed all those refuges. Economic crisis ravaging Greece is also blamed on Obama.

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1d ago

It is not accurate to say that Greeks as a whole hate Americans. People's attitudes and opinions can vary greatly from person to person, and generalizing an entire population is not representative of reality. It's important to engage with individuals and understand their perspectives on a personal level.

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