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Q: Why do I always wake up soaked in sweat and my bed soaked as well?
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Do p90x in your pj's?

Well you can if you want ot as long as you don't mind getting them soaked with sweat

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Well you can always try and put it in some un cooked rice. It would usually take a few hours but it doesn't always work.

Do snakes sweat?

well they have pores so they must sweat

Why do humans sweat from armpits?

Well...humans sweat all over our skin. We respire sweat from our pores. Sweat from our armpits smell because of the bacteria wastes.

What effect does sweat leaving your body have on your temperature?

Well the sweat evaporates on your skin which causes you to cool down.

How well should charcoal be soaked before lighting?

Not "soaked" at all. A gentle drizzle of fluid over the coals should be enough to ensure that they light. If they are soaked they'll burn up too quickly, and the food will probably smell of the fluid.

Do men sweat different depending on their age?

Yes, men may sweat differently depending on their age due to various factors such as metabolic rate, hormone levels, and overall health changes. Older men tend to have a slower metabolism and decreased hormone levels, which may affect their sweat production and sweating patterns. Additionally, underlying health conditions or medications taken by older men can also impact how much they sweat.

Do any animals sweat?

Well dogs lose their sweat by panting but also cats and dogs sweat under the pad of the paws which is called sweat glands. And pigs lose their sweat by Rowling in mud. Well many hoofed animals sweat like horses sweat through the pores of their skin like us humans.

Do red or black ants sweat?

No insect sweats as they do not have pores. Mammals are the only creatures that sweat, and some of them not very well. Most of your four legged animals only sweat on their tongues.

Two waste products sweat glands release?

water, salt, and other waste products come out of your body when you sweat

Do synthetic fiber absorb water or sweat?

Not very well.

What are cloth wristbands used for?

well they are used to wipe your sweat