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they are just growing im 11 and i have stretch marks and yes they will go away

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Q: Why do I have lots of stretch marks around my breasts I dont like the stretch marks and i am afraid they will never go will they?
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How do you get rid of purple stretch marks on breasts?

Use cocoa butter formula massage cream for stretch marks. Its helps anything, even stretch marks during and after preganancy.

Is it normal to have stretch marks on your breasts?

no, unless they are growing really fast

Are you supposed to have stretch marks on your breasts when you are fifteen?

no. it means you have fat boobs and not in a good way

What does black stretch marks mean?

Means they may have been around for a while. Stretch marks are usually lighter in color

What does it mean if you have strange marks on your breasts?

It's most likely stretch marks, but you should check with your doctor to double check. Or your pregnant or your husband bit to hard!!

What do stretch marks on the breasts mean?

Woman and men a like have stretch marks because there body changes and grows and breasts and buttocks all grow bigger and the skin is like elastic, but it only stretches so far so when it stretches the marks are left behind

Is it normal for an adolescent with growing breasts to have stretch lines on them?

Yes. I'm 18 and I have them too. It's normal for any part of your body that is growing to get stretch marks. And since breasts start to swell a little, a couple days before your period, that make contribute a bit towards stretch marks. They'll probably start to go away with time.Answerit's normal. happened to me. but they never went away. 2 things i wish i did was wear a bra earlier (keeps them perky) and use a heavy moisturizer every day (may prevent stretch marks) there are some you can find in health food stores for pregnant women's stomachs to prevent stretch marks, and this might help with your breasts too. then again, I've had lots of people really like my stretch marks. so you never know.

Why do you have stretch marks on your breast?

When you have stretch marks they are marks where the skin has pulled over the breast because your breast grew too fast for your skin. You can get rid of skin marks by loitions and other products. If your looking to get rid of them try Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Loition for Stretch Marks and use it daily to reduce the appear of the stretch marks.

What causes stretch mark?

Well I have Stretch Marks, so it caused by beging pregnant, loosing weight and putting on weight. You can get them on your bum, inside of your legs, hips and breasts . Hope this information helped you !!

Will boys care and still be attracted to me if i have stretch marks on my breasts?

If they realy like you it will not be an issue. only shallow people are botherd about things like that.

How can I get rid of stretch marks by August?

There are plenty of creams that can help get rid of stretch marks. Mederma works great on stretch marks.

Could you be pregnant if you have stretch marks on your breasts?

That is not a typical pregnancy sign. It's just hormones when we grow. Getting on birth control pills can make them grow faster and then the marks show up.