

Why do I smell like a snake?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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13y ago

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I wasn't aware that snakes have a distinct smell, maybe you need a good bath :P

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13y ago
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What snake smells like cantaloupe?

Copperheads This is, in fact, myth. Copperheads do not smell like cucmber and rattlesnakes do not smell like watermelon.

Where does the nose of the snake is found?

Snakes breath through nostrils like you and me, but if you mean how do they smell, then the snake's sense of smell is in it's tongue, which is why snakes flick their tongues a lot.

What does dead snake smell like?

Cucumbers, but only when it's startled.

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they smell like snake

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To ward off predators.

What does snake tongues for?

They smell with their tongues

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A Snake Probably

Does kimberly caraway from caldwell smell like fish?

Yes she really does in fact she smells more like the snake section in the z00...l0l

How does snake away work?

snakes hate the smell

Why do snakes often flick their tongue?

When a snake flicks its tongue, it is essentially "tasting" the air. Various chemicals are picked up by the appendage that inform the snake of things like atmospheric conditions and the general direction of prey.

What do snakes use their tongues for?

breathingWrong!The snake's tongue is an olfactory (sense of smell) organ.they smell with them. They stick the tongue out and then move each forked half into pockets in their head. There are sensors in the pockets that act like smelling. That is why their tongues are always going into the air and back into their heads.